Sabtu, 28 Maret 2009

How to deal with a Toddler

i must admit it is my mistake, or rather my decision that put us in this situation. the problem is that our litlle angel has not yet develop ability to pee and pup properly. for a 2 year old girl compare to her peer this is a delayed development. so we come up with an idea of "carrot and stick" although we keep the stick yet for last resort.

so after a rigorous explanation, over and over again about how and why, after many examples in front of her eye, after imagining future consequences she may faces in the coming of school age, my wife bought jar full of beautiful marble.

this day i figure is a week after we deploy the plan, and improvement is evidence. the marble is doing a great job although our daughter seem have a will of her own, this is a fact that we oftenly missed as a parent. the fact that our child have a will of hisr/her own, she go whereever she pleased whenever she want, she manipulated us by her round eyes and smile or if necesasary with tears and tantrum

so i realised in order to direct her to our wish, we must be patient and sensitive to her mood,also we must percistence, and cunning to exploit her weakness or interest, i found that they enjoyed this game of domination, it is why i think that the prophet muhammad saw said that we should'nt be slaved by our own child.

to deal with a toddler who to be known to have a remarkable mind, we must develop diplomatic skills, how to negotiate and bargain as cunning as a master trader, also a cold head and some times a heart of steel so that no tears could pierce through and last but not least a load of patient.