Selasa, 12 Oktober 2010

therapy of balantis xerotica obliterans

BXO or Balanitis xerotica obliterans is a condition causing scarring and thickening (sclerosis) of the penis skin.

The good news is that most cases of BXO are effectively treated by the application of topical corticosteroid cream two to four times daily for one or two months.

BXO has also been reported as responding to topical testosterone or carbon dioxide laser treatment. One report in the medical literature shows that long term antibiotic treatment is effective, but it is unclear why this should be so.

Affected men can develop narrowing of the exit of the tube from the bladder (urethral opening). Constriction of the foreskin (phimosis can also occur. However, the latter doesn't apply to you as you have had a circumcision.