Minggu, 14 Desember 2008

101th : award (lagi!)

dapet dua award sekaligus....
gosh....thanks friends...
that was so nice of u....

first comes from ika gema

Someday, everything will make perfect sense.
So laugh at the confusion.. Smile through the tears..
Keep reminding yourself that everything happens for a purpose.

Something to make you smile: if you smile when no one is around, you really mean it.
Smile and be happy!

this award goes to :

-semua temen2 blogger yang cowok-

klo yang ini dari dhey
1. cat's award khusus untuk perempuan
2. sebarkan cat's award kepd orang yang kalian ingin kasih
(wehey....such a simple rules...love it!!!)

and this one goes to...
-semua temen2 blogger yang cewek-

consider it done
thats fair enough i think

hhmmm.....bener2 postingan isinya award semua...
ahhh...well....daripada ga posting...