Senin, 30 November 2009

Another Dental Pain

Discomfort caused by damage to teeth, teeth or gums, which may arise due to a stroke, tooth decay or infections, being able to alter complicate if fabrics to make the determination and the support of a tooth or tooth, causing the piece to weaken and fall.


* Accumulation of tartar, ie rough, unsightly deposit of minerals (naturally contained in saliva) and plaque, it is impossible to remove by normal brushing as a result of poor hygiene and by not brushing properly, which resulting in infections.
* Canker. Small painful ulcers in a circle, looking red in the center and white at the edges, which appear on the inside of the mouth
* Dental alveoli is. Infection of one of the alveoli (cavities of the jaw in which teeth are embedded), which usually occurs after a tooth extraction in poor condition.
* Drink alternately hot and cold liquids.
* Bruxism. Caused by stress disorder characterized by squeezing, "chatter" or grinding teeth during sleep, excessive muscle tension causes pain in your ears, jaw damage and alignment problems and poor condition of the denture.
* Calculation. Condition that causes inflammation of gums, tooth loss (even when healthy) and bad breath.
* Caries. Attack of bacteria that causes gradual disintegration of the tissues that form teeth.
* Teething and tooth eruption in infants and children and the wisdom teeth in adolescence or adulthood.
* Periodontal disease. Infectious process that extends to the pulp (nerve) of the teeth and jaws, causing bleeding gums, redness and pain, feeling that they become limp, persistent bad breath, pus drainage and tooth loss.
* Extraction of a tooth.
* Broken or knocked a tooth because of a coup.
* Gingivitis. Swollen gums and supporting structures of teeth, causing pain and bleeding caused by poor hygiene and lack of vitamin C.
* Injuries gums.
* Objects caught between teeth.
* Plaque. Sticky film of bacteria that adheres to teeth and edges of the surrounding tissues, which causes irritation and bleeding gums when you interact with carbohydrates produces acids that destroy tooth enamel making it susceptible to decay .
* Prognathism. Misalignment of the jaw and upper jaw, and lower tongue position, resulting in alterations to occlude (close) the mouth, with consequent difficulties in biting, chewing and speaking.
* If the dental disease occurs when the person is cold or stooping, the cause may be sinusitis (inflammation of the sinuses).
* Use of orthodontic appliances such as bridges, braquets brakes.


* Pain or discomfort that may prevent chewing.
* Swelling, redness and / or bleeding gums.
* Discharge of foul smelling liquid.
* Abscesses (collections of pus) in the root of the tooth.
* The cheeks may be raised.
* Sometimes a headache and fever.
* When it comes to teething and infant pediatric pain, inflammation and secretion of saliva.


* The specialist (dentist or dentist) must include in its diagnostic questioning the patient to understand their symptoms, and assess the appearance of the tooth, tooth or gum to determine the cause.
* If there is no evidence of external injury radiographs should be used, with whom they can identify possible damage to the root of the piece.
* If x-rays show no evidence of deterioration, it is conceivable that the ailment is a result of sinusitis, anxiety and stress.


* Good oral hygiene by preventing caries and maintains healthy gums. For best results you should apply the correct technique of brushing, using mouthwash, antiseptic solutions and flossing.
* Change your toothbrush every two months.
* It is recommended to follow a balanced diet rich in foods containing vitamin C (found in orange, tangerine, mandarin, lemon, guava, kiwi, strawberry and tomato), calcium (milk and dairy products, sardines and canned salmon, green leafy vegetables, watercress, sesame seeds, parsley, nuts, broccoli and beans) and low in sugar so that teeth and gums stay strong and not prone to injury. Vitamin C and calcium can also be obtained by taking vitamin supplements, food supplements or fortified products.
* The application of fluoride protects teeth by providing greater resistance to attack by bacteria that cause tooth decay.
* Avoid where possible the use of alternating hot and cold liquids.
* When extracting a tooth is recommended to take a painkiller before passing the effect of anesthesia, because this way you will feel less pain in the wound.
* If you suffer from sinusitis, you should go to the audiologist to provide adequate treatment, as this disease causes tooth disorders. If due to an allergic reaction can be used to counter antihistamines.
* Learn how to control emotional states that impair stability.
* Going to the dentist every six months.


* If the tooth or gum pain is mild may be controlled with nonprescription analgesics.
* Maintain good oral hygiene, this requires brushing teeth three times daily or after feeding, which can be supported with the use of mouthwashes, antiseptics and flossing. If you have an injury, it is very important to clean carefully.
* If there is inflammation, it is suggested putting cold packs on the cheek. The affected area should not be exposed to heat, or apply on it acetylsalicylic acid tablets.
* When presented with fever can be resorted to antipyretics, analgesics with antipyretic action or special bands to lower body temperature.
* Where is this fracture of a tooth, you should clean the area with a clean cloth, place cold compresses on the face and, if possible, to recover the piece of tooth (must be placed in a glass of cold water or milk), and go immediately to the dentist.
* If the tooth is loosened by a blow, we need clean water, try to fix it and go to the dentist.
* In case of taking objects caught between teeth with floss can be removed, avoiding damage to the gums. Not be used or sharp cutting instruments.
* If due to infection and abscess there, the dentist will make small cut in the affected area to facilitate the evacuation of pus and clean the holes. Also prescribe more aggressive treatment.
* If the toothache is caused by bridges, braquets or brakes, the specialist has to adjust.
* Discomfort that causes pediatric and infant tooth eruption can be relieved with solutions or gels with anesthetic and analgesic effect.
* When there is pain due to canker sores or wounds in the gums can be used to antiseptics and mouthwashes.