Benign Prostat Hyperplasia (BPH)
Gambar Pantai di Nusa Tenggara Timur
Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) is the most common neoplasm in man. Pathological changes of this disorder can be found in 50% of men in their 5th decade and in 90% of men in their ninth decade. The aetiology of BPH is multifactorial but there are two essential prerequisites: the presence of testes and ageing
Effects of Benign prostatic obstruction:
1. Thickening of the bladder wall
2. Recurrent haematuria
3. Bladder diverticulum formation
4. Urinary tract infections
5. Bladder stone formation
6. Upper tract dilation
LUTS obstruktif symptoms:
1. Hesitansi
2. Pancaran lemah
3. Mengejan
4. Kencing lama
5. Terasa tak habis
6. Retensi urin
7. Overflow Incontinence (ischuria paradoxa)
LUTS iritatif symptoms:
1.Urgensi or Urge incontinence
2.Frekuensi (polakisuria)