So the doctor could only recommend surgery and drugs are actually to reduce the pain only and suppress the growth of the cancer, rather than treat it.
sebenarnya surgery is not an appropriate step bukan untuk good step to handle this disease, because despite being in operation and otherwise been cured by the doctors end up going muncul lagi pasti illness lain serupa in place (ie previously on foot, could appear in anggota another body, even get to the brain), unless there are miracles from the Almighty.
avoid surgery, and medical drugs from your doctor, because it would only reduce pain, and even over time can cause drug dependence.
scary is not it?
then what should be done?
thing to do was use of drugs and TRADITIONAL HERBAL that contains no chemicals, because it was quite a lot of cancer patients using natural medicines and the results. . . cured within a period of 3-10 months with regular use of these natural medicines. . .
already many shops and traditional herbal medicine of China in Indonesia as shih, etc..
but there also are from Indonesia like Diant Herbal products (you can see her site here), and many more.
please try herbal medicines for pendrita cancer or other serious illnesses, and prove, presentations greater recovery than medical drugs.
because nature has menyadiakan cure, no disease that can not be cured!
Keep the spirit and keep your positive thinking for sufferers of cancer, because there is still hope for you, despite the final stage.

sebenarnya surgery is not an appropriate step bukan untuk good step to handle this disease, because despite being in operation and otherwise been cured by the doctors end up going muncul lagi pasti illness lain serupa in place (ie previously on foot, could appear in anggota another body, even get to the brain), unless there are miracles from the Almighty.
avoid surgery, and medical drugs from your doctor, because it would only reduce pain, and even over time can cause drug dependence.
scary is not it?
then what should be done?
thing to do was use of drugs and TRADITIONAL HERBAL that contains no chemicals, because it was quite a lot of cancer patients using natural medicines and the results. . . cured within a period of 3-10 months with regular use of these natural medicines. . .
already many shops and traditional herbal medicine of China in Indonesia as shih, etc..
but there also are from Indonesia like Diant Herbal products (you can see her site here), and many more.
please try herbal medicines for pendrita cancer or other serious illnesses, and prove, presentations greater recovery than medical drugs.
because nature has menyadiakan cure, no disease that can not be cured!
Keep the spirit and keep your positive thinking for sufferers of cancer, because there is still hope for you, despite the final stage.