Another explanation was there in the wiki mbak Made in england ...
A (n) herb (pronounced / hɜ ː b / or / ɝb /; see pronunciation differences) is a plant That Is Such qualities as valued for medicinal properties, flavor, scent, or the like.
Herbs have a variety of uses Including Culinary, medicinal, or in Some cases even spiritual usage.
(Own translation: herb is a plant / plants that have their uses for medicinal purposes and the like. Herbaceous plants have a diverse range of uses including culinary, medical and even spiritual activity).
So it turns out Herbal broader understanding than I had imagined. From the definition mbak this wiki, I noticed that the "herb" or "herbal" is the title given to tanaman2 who have significant effects in the treatment or cure disease. Where in use, the herbs can be processed into food or food supplement, consumed directly, or used as a complement to the spiritual ritual / religious.
Herbs in cooking. For those who used to cook, would be familiar with garlic, turmeric, ginger and sidekick-konconya. Where tanaman2 it turned out to have herbal properties that have been recognized empirically. Like for example in Makassar who is famous for its coto Makassar. Cuisine coto Makassar same principle as soup meat in general. And dishes containing meat are known to be potential threats to bring cholesterol. But if you look like a green onion concoction bumbu2nya, celery et al, it is claimed could neutralize the ill effects of cholesterol that can occur after eating coto Makassar.
Herbs in the treatment. The use of herbs in the treatment / healing began to seem enthused by the public. First, obviously because it's cheaper. Both in terms of prices of products and tariff treatment. Second, not all medical obat2an or a doctor's prescription to cure the disease. Many complaints from the public that the disease was cured only when he was taking drugs or prescription from a doctor. Once the medication has run out, the disease relapsed again. If you have this, what is actually being treated by a doctor? Third, people are getting smart. Society considers the doctor is not the only profession that can help treat / cure the disease. In addition, people also began to worry about the side effects caused by too often taking the drug. Thus, herbal therapy that had been considered as alternative treatments, now starting mostly done by the community. Fourth, the herb itself is very easy to obtain. Because there are all around us. And in any herbal therapist segan2 not share his knowledge with patients, so patients can continue their own therapy at home with herbal plants which can be obtained yourself. Even many who after recovering pasien2 instead turning to herbal therapist.
Herbs in the ritual of spiritual / religious. Hemmm .... if for this one I do not know much. What I know, if the religion of Islam do not ever use of herbs in his worship. Another case with budaya2 that often appear in the Indonesian Islamic community as Grebeg Maulud marked by conquest mountains of food, fruit, and crops / agricultural products specific. If in other religions, more gk tau deh .... piss again. But here's a little info from Ms. wiki again:
Herbs are Used in many Religions - Such as in Christianity (myrrh (Commiphora myrrha), ague root (Aletris farinosa) and frankincense (Boswellia spp)) and in the partially Christianized pagan Anglo-Saxon Nine Herbs Charm. In Hinduism a form of Basil Called Tulsi is worshipped as a Goddess for its medicinal value since the Vedic times. Many Hindus have a Tulsi plant in front of Their houses.
meaning-in itself yes ....:]

A (n) herb (pronounced / hɜ ː b / or / ɝb /; see pronunciation differences) is a plant That Is Such qualities as valued for medicinal properties, flavor, scent, or the like.
Herbs have a variety of uses Including Culinary, medicinal, or in Some cases even spiritual usage.
(Own translation: herb is a plant / plants that have their uses for medicinal purposes and the like. Herbaceous plants have a diverse range of uses including culinary, medical and even spiritual activity).
So it turns out Herbal broader understanding than I had imagined. From the definition mbak this wiki, I noticed that the "herb" or "herbal" is the title given to tanaman2 who have significant effects in the treatment or cure disease. Where in use, the herbs can be processed into food or food supplement, consumed directly, or used as a complement to the spiritual ritual / religious.
Herbs in cooking. For those who used to cook, would be familiar with garlic, turmeric, ginger and sidekick-konconya. Where tanaman2 it turned out to have herbal properties that have been recognized empirically. Like for example in Makassar who is famous for its coto Makassar. Cuisine coto Makassar same principle as soup meat in general. And dishes containing meat are known to be potential threats to bring cholesterol. But if you look like a green onion concoction bumbu2nya, celery et al, it is claimed could neutralize the ill effects of cholesterol that can occur after eating coto Makassar.
Herbs in the treatment. The use of herbs in the treatment / healing began to seem enthused by the public. First, obviously because it's cheaper. Both in terms of prices of products and tariff treatment. Second, not all medical obat2an or a doctor's prescription to cure the disease. Many complaints from the public that the disease was cured only when he was taking drugs or prescription from a doctor. Once the medication has run out, the disease relapsed again. If you have this, what is actually being treated by a doctor? Third, people are getting smart. Society considers the doctor is not the only profession that can help treat / cure the disease. In addition, people also began to worry about the side effects caused by too often taking the drug. Thus, herbal therapy that had been considered as alternative treatments, now starting mostly done by the community. Fourth, the herb itself is very easy to obtain. Because there are all around us. And in any herbal therapist segan2 not share his knowledge with patients, so patients can continue their own therapy at home with herbal plants which can be obtained yourself. Even many who after recovering pasien2 instead turning to herbal therapist.
Herbs in the ritual of spiritual / religious. Hemmm .... if for this one I do not know much. What I know, if the religion of Islam do not ever use of herbs in his worship. Another case with budaya2 that often appear in the Indonesian Islamic community as Grebeg Maulud marked by conquest mountains of food, fruit, and crops / agricultural products specific. If in other religions, more gk tau deh .... piss again. But here's a little info from Ms. wiki again:
Herbs are Used in many Religions - Such as in Christianity (myrrh (Commiphora myrrha), ague root (Aletris farinosa) and frankincense (Boswellia spp)) and in the partially Christianized pagan Anglo-Saxon Nine Herbs Charm. In Hinduism a form of Basil Called Tulsi is worshipped as a Goddess for its medicinal value since the Vedic times. Many Hindus have a Tulsi plant in front of Their houses.
meaning-in itself yes ....:]