Sabtu, 27 Desember 2008

104th :topik posting ku akhir2 ini (guess what?!)

temen2 blog ku tuh emang kok...
paling ga bisa ngeliat aku nganggur....
uda selese pr yang satu...dikasih lagi pr baru...

i wonder....nih pr2 sapa seh yang bikin....

anyway....baru baru ni... dari sahara, natan and pupuy
tu...yang ngasik PR aja borongan....

The Rules :
The rules are simple. Use google image to search the answers to the quetions below. Then you must choose a picture in the first page of results, and post it as your answer. After that tag 7 people.

the age of my next birthday

yup....24.....hhmmm....getting older, getting better....

the place i’d like to travel

japan....!!! i would love to go there.....

favorite place

my bedroom.....

favorite food

pokoknya yang serba dari ayam......

favorite thing

my acer one laptop....

favorite color


a city I was born

the hot city surabaya

a city that i’ve ever lived in
i ever lived in kupang when i was a kid....but i dont remember much....

a nickname I had

yup...thats me....a penny....

college major

name of my love

bad habit


sleep is a very healthy and a cheap hobby....agree???!!!


i just wish i graduate soon....
yang ini dari pupuy...

the rules :

1.sebutkan penyanyi pop favorite mu ?


2. apa arti emo dari menurutmu ?

emo itu....sebutan kelompokku pas puteran bedah...(emo group...hihii....)

3. setujukah jika dangdut go-internasional ?

setuju aja...

4. koleksi album apa yg kamu miliki ? ada berapa ?

ga pernah beli album lagi sejak bisa download di internet

5. mengapa musik metal slalu teriak-teriak (scream)

biar heboh bin lebay

6. sebarkan award ini k 7 org !

award yang aneh