Monday, below 5 degrees centigrade, Resources Room, School of Biomedical Science, Newcastle University, UK
Sekarang gue lagi ngetik blog ini di tempat yang agak kurang wajar. Yaitu di Resources Room kampus. Biasanya gue ngetik blog di laptop gue. Gue tergerak untuk nulis lagi karena pas gue baca-baca postingan gue, kok rasanya masih dikit banget ya? gue lulus 2 tahun lagi. Masak cuma segini kenangan yang bakal gue kenang pas lulus nanti. Jadinya gue nulis deh.
Sekarang udah jam 11:56, 4 menit ke jam 12 siang di mana gue ada janji sama kelompok gue untuk bikin tugas "Cochlear Model". Kenapa gue ada di resource room? karena gue baru aja ngerjain tugas bareng temen kelompok gue yang lain untuk bikin tugas "poster presentation" yang due datenya minggu depan. (tugas, tugas, dan tugaaas)
Ok, ngomong-ngomong masalah cochlear model, gue dapet tugas untuk dikerjakan bersama satu kelompok (3 orang, Ali, Dawn, dan gue). Goal dari tugas ini adalah membuat suatu model yang mempresentasikan fungsi cochlea. Seluruh biaya pembuatan bisa diganti sama fakultas, asal ada receipt pembelian yang jelas.
Idenya bebas, lo bisa membuat dari bahan apaan aja, mau dari karbon, lilin, sampe computer software juga boleh. Setelah berdiskusi mengenai hal ini, kelompok gue menemukan ide 'gila', yaitu kita akan melakukan DRAMA dan berperan seolah-olah bagian dari cochlea tersebut. Kebetulan gue dapet peran jadi neuron dan outer hair cell. Kita baru akan mematangkan ide siang ini, dan sekarang udah jam 12:05 (janjinya jam 12:00, dan gue masih nulis aja ini). Nanti pasti akan gue tulis lagi setelah jadi semua.
Tugas di UK tuh juga cukup unik, tiap bikin tulisan selalu ada maximum characters/words. Inget, maximum! bukan minimum. Bener-bener beda banget sama di Indo yang tugasnya apa-apa selalu minimum sekian-sekian.
2 minggu lagi christmas vacation, gue bener-bener ga bisa nunggu saat itu dateng. Karena gue pengen jalan-jalan dan membuang jauh-jauh segala penat yang ada di kepala. Tiap tidur sekarang gue udah ga pernah nyenyak lagi (jadi inget jaman dekan cup, itu selama setahun!). Beberapa hari terakhir gue juga selalu mimpi aneh-aneh. Padahal udah lama gue ga mimpi.
Fiuuh, udah jam 12:10, saatnya gue naik ke library untuk nemuin kelompok gue untuk bikin tugas cochlear model.
Semoga semua berjalan sesuai dengan keinginan. Amiiin..
Next post: Ied Al Adha in Newcastle!
Senin, 30 November 2009
Another Dental Pain
Discomfort caused by damage to teeth, teeth or gums, which may arise due to a stroke, tooth decay or infections, being able to alter complicate if fabrics to make the determination and the support of a tooth or tooth, causing the piece to weaken and fall.
* Accumulation of tartar, ie rough, unsightly deposit of minerals (naturally contained in saliva) and plaque, it is impossible to remove by normal brushing as a result of poor hygiene and by not brushing properly, which resulting in infections.
* Canker. Small painful ulcers in a circle, looking red in the center and white at the edges, which appear on the inside of the mouth
* Dental alveoli is. Infection of one of the alveoli (cavities of the jaw in which teeth are embedded), which usually occurs after a tooth extraction in poor condition.
* Drink alternately hot and cold liquids.
* Bruxism. Caused by stress disorder characterized by squeezing, "chatter" or grinding teeth during sleep, excessive muscle tension causes pain in your ears, jaw damage and alignment problems and poor condition of the denture.
* Calculation. Condition that causes inflammation of gums, tooth loss (even when healthy) and bad breath.
* Caries. Attack of bacteria that causes gradual disintegration of the tissues that form teeth.
* Teething and tooth eruption in infants and children and the wisdom teeth in adolescence or adulthood.
* Periodontal disease. Infectious process that extends to the pulp (nerve) of the teeth and jaws, causing bleeding gums, redness and pain, feeling that they become limp, persistent bad breath, pus drainage and tooth loss.
* Extraction of a tooth.
* Broken or knocked a tooth because of a coup.
* Gingivitis. Swollen gums and supporting structures of teeth, causing pain and bleeding caused by poor hygiene and lack of vitamin C.
* Injuries gums.
* Objects caught between teeth.
* Plaque. Sticky film of bacteria that adheres to teeth and edges of the surrounding tissues, which causes irritation and bleeding gums when you interact with carbohydrates produces acids that destroy tooth enamel making it susceptible to decay .
* Prognathism. Misalignment of the jaw and upper jaw, and lower tongue position, resulting in alterations to occlude (close) the mouth, with consequent difficulties in biting, chewing and speaking.
* If the dental disease occurs when the person is cold or stooping, the cause may be sinusitis (inflammation of the sinuses).
* Use of orthodontic appliances such as bridges, braquets brakes.
* Pain or discomfort that may prevent chewing.
* Swelling, redness and / or bleeding gums.
* Discharge of foul smelling liquid.
* Abscesses (collections of pus) in the root of the tooth.
* The cheeks may be raised.
* Sometimes a headache and fever.
* When it comes to teething and infant pediatric pain, inflammation and secretion of saliva.
* The specialist (dentist or dentist) must include in its diagnostic questioning the patient to understand their symptoms, and assess the appearance of the tooth, tooth or gum to determine the cause.
* If there is no evidence of external injury radiographs should be used, with whom they can identify possible damage to the root of the piece.
* If x-rays show no evidence of deterioration, it is conceivable that the ailment is a result of sinusitis, anxiety and stress.
* Good oral hygiene by preventing caries and maintains healthy gums. For best results you should apply the correct technique of brushing, using mouthwash, antiseptic solutions and flossing.
* Change your toothbrush every two months.
* It is recommended to follow a balanced diet rich in foods containing vitamin C (found in orange, tangerine, mandarin, lemon, guava, kiwi, strawberry and tomato), calcium (milk and dairy products, sardines and canned salmon, green leafy vegetables, watercress, sesame seeds, parsley, nuts, broccoli and beans) and low in sugar so that teeth and gums stay strong and not prone to injury. Vitamin C and calcium can also be obtained by taking vitamin supplements, food supplements or fortified products.
* The application of fluoride protects teeth by providing greater resistance to attack by bacteria that cause tooth decay.
* Avoid where possible the use of alternating hot and cold liquids.
* When extracting a tooth is recommended to take a painkiller before passing the effect of anesthesia, because this way you will feel less pain in the wound.
* If you suffer from sinusitis, you should go to the audiologist to provide adequate treatment, as this disease causes tooth disorders. If due to an allergic reaction can be used to counter antihistamines.
* Learn how to control emotional states that impair stability.
* Going to the dentist every six months.
* If the tooth or gum pain is mild may be controlled with nonprescription analgesics.
* Maintain good oral hygiene, this requires brushing teeth three times daily or after feeding, which can be supported with the use of mouthwashes, antiseptics and flossing. If you have an injury, it is very important to clean carefully.
* If there is inflammation, it is suggested putting cold packs on the cheek. The affected area should not be exposed to heat, or apply on it acetylsalicylic acid tablets.
* When presented with fever can be resorted to antipyretics, analgesics with antipyretic action or special bands to lower body temperature.
* Where is this fracture of a tooth, you should clean the area with a clean cloth, place cold compresses on the face and, if possible, to recover the piece of tooth (must be placed in a glass of cold water or milk), and go immediately to the dentist.
* If the tooth is loosened by a blow, we need clean water, try to fix it and go to the dentist.
* In case of taking objects caught between teeth with floss can be removed, avoiding damage to the gums. Not be used or sharp cutting instruments.
* If due to infection and abscess there, the dentist will make small cut in the affected area to facilitate the evacuation of pus and clean the holes. Also prescribe more aggressive treatment.
* If the toothache is caused by bridges, braquets or brakes, the specialist has to adjust.
* Discomfort that causes pediatric and infant tooth eruption can be relieved with solutions or gels with anesthetic and analgesic effect.
* When there is pain due to canker sores or wounds in the gums can be used to antiseptics and mouthwashes.
Discomfort caused by damage to teeth, teeth or gums, which may arise due to a stroke, tooth decay or infections, being able to alter complicate if fabrics to make the determination and the support of a tooth or tooth, causing the piece to weaken and fall.
* Accumulation of tartar, ie rough, unsightly deposit of minerals (naturally contained in saliva) and plaque, it is impossible to remove by normal brushing as a result of poor hygiene and by not brushing properly, which resulting in infections.
* Canker. Small painful ulcers in a circle, looking red in the center and white at the edges, which appear on the inside of the mouth
* Dental alveoli is. Infection of one of the alveoli (cavities of the jaw in which teeth are embedded), which usually occurs after a tooth extraction in poor condition.
* Drink alternately hot and cold liquids.
* Bruxism. Caused by stress disorder characterized by squeezing, "chatter" or grinding teeth during sleep, excessive muscle tension causes pain in your ears, jaw damage and alignment problems and poor condition of the denture.
* Calculation. Condition that causes inflammation of gums, tooth loss (even when healthy) and bad breath.
* Caries. Attack of bacteria that causes gradual disintegration of the tissues that form teeth.
* Teething and tooth eruption in infants and children and the wisdom teeth in adolescence or adulthood.
* Periodontal disease. Infectious process that extends to the pulp (nerve) of the teeth and jaws, causing bleeding gums, redness and pain, feeling that they become limp, persistent bad breath, pus drainage and tooth loss.
* Extraction of a tooth.
* Broken or knocked a tooth because of a coup.
* Gingivitis. Swollen gums and supporting structures of teeth, causing pain and bleeding caused by poor hygiene and lack of vitamin C.
* Injuries gums.
* Objects caught between teeth.
* Plaque. Sticky film of bacteria that adheres to teeth and edges of the surrounding tissues, which causes irritation and bleeding gums when you interact with carbohydrates produces acids that destroy tooth enamel making it susceptible to decay .
* Prognathism. Misalignment of the jaw and upper jaw, and lower tongue position, resulting in alterations to occlude (close) the mouth, with consequent difficulties in biting, chewing and speaking.
* If the dental disease occurs when the person is cold or stooping, the cause may be sinusitis (inflammation of the sinuses).
* Use of orthodontic appliances such as bridges, braquets brakes.
* Pain or discomfort that may prevent chewing.
* Swelling, redness and / or bleeding gums.
* Discharge of foul smelling liquid.
* Abscesses (collections of pus) in the root of the tooth.
* The cheeks may be raised.
* Sometimes a headache and fever.
* When it comes to teething and infant pediatric pain, inflammation and secretion of saliva.
* The specialist (dentist or dentist) must include in its diagnostic questioning the patient to understand their symptoms, and assess the appearance of the tooth, tooth or gum to determine the cause.
* If there is no evidence of external injury radiographs should be used, with whom they can identify possible damage to the root of the piece.
* If x-rays show no evidence of deterioration, it is conceivable that the ailment is a result of sinusitis, anxiety and stress.
* Good oral hygiene by preventing caries and maintains healthy gums. For best results you should apply the correct technique of brushing, using mouthwash, antiseptic solutions and flossing.
* Change your toothbrush every two months.
* It is recommended to follow a balanced diet rich in foods containing vitamin C (found in orange, tangerine, mandarin, lemon, guava, kiwi, strawberry and tomato), calcium (milk and dairy products, sardines and canned salmon, green leafy vegetables, watercress, sesame seeds, parsley, nuts, broccoli and beans) and low in sugar so that teeth and gums stay strong and not prone to injury. Vitamin C and calcium can also be obtained by taking vitamin supplements, food supplements or fortified products.
* The application of fluoride protects teeth by providing greater resistance to attack by bacteria that cause tooth decay.
* Avoid where possible the use of alternating hot and cold liquids.
* When extracting a tooth is recommended to take a painkiller before passing the effect of anesthesia, because this way you will feel less pain in the wound.
* If you suffer from sinusitis, you should go to the audiologist to provide adequate treatment, as this disease causes tooth disorders. If due to an allergic reaction can be used to counter antihistamines.
* Learn how to control emotional states that impair stability.
* Going to the dentist every six months.
* If the tooth or gum pain is mild may be controlled with nonprescription analgesics.
* Maintain good oral hygiene, this requires brushing teeth three times daily or after feeding, which can be supported with the use of mouthwashes, antiseptics and flossing. If you have an injury, it is very important to clean carefully.
* If there is inflammation, it is suggested putting cold packs on the cheek. The affected area should not be exposed to heat, or apply on it acetylsalicylic acid tablets.
* When presented with fever can be resorted to antipyretics, analgesics with antipyretic action or special bands to lower body temperature.
* Where is this fracture of a tooth, you should clean the area with a clean cloth, place cold compresses on the face and, if possible, to recover the piece of tooth (must be placed in a glass of cold water or milk), and go immediately to the dentist.
* If the tooth is loosened by a blow, we need clean water, try to fix it and go to the dentist.
* In case of taking objects caught between teeth with floss can be removed, avoiding damage to the gums. Not be used or sharp cutting instruments.
* If due to infection and abscess there, the dentist will make small cut in the affected area to facilitate the evacuation of pus and clean the holes. Also prescribe more aggressive treatment.
* If the toothache is caused by bridges, braquets or brakes, the specialist has to adjust.
* Discomfort that causes pediatric and infant tooth eruption can be relieved with solutions or gels with anesthetic and analgesic effect.
* When there is pain due to canker sores or wounds in the gums can be used to antiseptics and mouthwashes.
10 Home Remedies for a toothache
Toothache is pain in the area of the jaw and face. It is usually caused when a nerve in the root of a tooth becomes irritated. However, other problems such as infection of teeth, caries, or tooth loss may also cause dental pain. Toothache resources can not delete your dental disease at all, but you can save for a while.
Here are some of the people tested source relieves toothache. They say it helps! Maybe you should try.
Anyway, you should be careful doing experiments with his teeth. But in this case is not so dangerous, because most of the products that can be used to relieve dental pain are, of course, you can buy at any supermarket.
1. Dental pain relief using cucumber.
Candy L.
Cut good enough pieces to fit on the tooth that is hurting or body aches and pain to go away.
PS: Remember to make sure it is refrigerated is better reassuring feeling.
(And get to the dentist as soon as possible)
2. Tooth pain remedy using dried mint, salt water and oats.
Carol H.
Put a little wad of dried mint leaves around the tooth or abscess, spitting after a few minutes.
If you repeat this several times during the day, should bring the abscess to the surface, is released with a pin and try again. Rinse with warm salt water.
Oats work to remove an abscess, but mint dental pain relief as well.
3. Ease a toothache with raw potato.
Amanda Alexander
If you have a cold peeling potatoes in the refrigerator and cut the skin off a good piece to fit on the tooth that is hurting or body aches and pain to go away.
PS: Remember to make sure it is refrigerated is better reassuring feeling.
4. Toothache cures real vanilla extract.
Trish G.
I suffer from constant dental pain. And every time I come, I know what to do! There are two ways to go about this resource.
1. For toothaches that are not so bad, that some real vanilla extract on a cotton ball over the place and damaging the teeth. It is easier than sleeping!
2. For very bad dental pain (cannot sleep, eat, drink, etc) Afganita around some real vanilla extract on the side of his mouth hurts. I can not taste good, but completely numb. And you will not have trouble sleeping because only annoying toothache.
5. Toothache remedies with the help of tea bag, garlic and ginger root.
Irene B.
Here is my tips to relieve dental pain:
- Use a wet tea bag, and place it on the toothache. This has helped me 9 times out of 10. In fact, I suppose I could keep a frozen tea bag in the freezer and use it on your tooth.
- Garlic cloves in the tooth have helped relieve the pain.
- Ginger Root - Shaving feet of a place and in the teeth. I heard that helps with the infection, and eased my pain some.
6. Dental pain relief using olive oil and cotton.
Gayle A.
I invented my own toothache remedy, every time I have a toothache that use olive oil. Put a very small amount (probably enough to cover the bottom of the cup or slightly more) in 10 seconds or until slightly warm to the touch and have a spoon so that someone in the ear that is hurting.
Lay on the opposite side about 30 seconds so you'll have time to drain down. His toothache is expected to be gone. This worked for me countless times, even with an infected tooth. It also helps prevent ear infection. I hope it works for you!
PS: Please do not try to put yourself in your ear; you can end up with a very viscous bath.
7. Remedy for toothache using iodine.
Rebecca F.
A friend told me that one drop of iodine on a tooth to help kill the pain and stop abscess. So far it works great.
Just remember to drop in let stand not swallow. Then, after brushing.
8. Tooth pain remedy using table salt and warm water.
Fosh S.
As many say, table salt and warm water is great, and I used it for tooth pain does not disappear completely, but it's nothing compared to the dental pain was horrible at first. It works quite well and brushes your teeth then gets rid of bad taste.
9. Dental pain relief using oregano oil.
Jessica I.
I had many problems with my teeth and, sometimes, no money for the dentist. Here are some natural remedies for toothache:
1. Oil of oregano - apply directly to the teeth or gums, bad taste and it burns a little natural, but has anti-biotic.
2. Colgate peroxyl rinse mouth - mouth lesions, most contain peroxide.
3. Colloidal Silver - this can be found at health food stores may also have antibiotic properties. Keep a dropperful under your tongue and then swallowed twice daily.
4. Cashews or cashew oil. I have listened to eat cashews can cause an abscess to heal. It has not worked for me, but I know people who have worked.
10. Relieve dental pain with the help of hot damp washcloth.
John D.
Apply a hot wet towel in the areas of pain until the pain subsides ... repeated as necessary ... will not surprise you ... works for extreme toothache pain.
Get ready, bookmark or save this page if you want to be ready when the dental pain will come unexpectedly.
Here are some of the people tested source relieves toothache. They say it helps! Maybe you should try.
Anyway, you should be careful doing experiments with his teeth. But in this case is not so dangerous, because most of the products that can be used to relieve dental pain are, of course, you can buy at any supermarket.
1. Dental pain relief using cucumber.
Candy L.
Cut good enough pieces to fit on the tooth that is hurting or body aches and pain to go away.
PS: Remember to make sure it is refrigerated is better reassuring feeling.
(And get to the dentist as soon as possible)
2. Tooth pain remedy using dried mint, salt water and oats.
Carol H.
Put a little wad of dried mint leaves around the tooth or abscess, spitting after a few minutes.
If you repeat this several times during the day, should bring the abscess to the surface, is released with a pin and try again. Rinse with warm salt water.
Oats work to remove an abscess, but mint dental pain relief as well.
3. Ease a toothache with raw potato.
Amanda Alexander
If you have a cold peeling potatoes in the refrigerator and cut the skin off a good piece to fit on the tooth that is hurting or body aches and pain to go away.
PS: Remember to make sure it is refrigerated is better reassuring feeling.
4. Toothache cures real vanilla extract.
Trish G.
I suffer from constant dental pain. And every time I come, I know what to do! There are two ways to go about this resource.
1. For toothaches that are not so bad, that some real vanilla extract on a cotton ball over the place and damaging the teeth. It is easier than sleeping!
2. For very bad dental pain (cannot sleep, eat, drink, etc) Afganita around some real vanilla extract on the side of his mouth hurts. I can not taste good, but completely numb. And you will not have trouble sleeping because only annoying toothache.
5. Toothache remedies with the help of tea bag, garlic and ginger root.
Irene B.
Here is my tips to relieve dental pain:
- Use a wet tea bag, and place it on the toothache. This has helped me 9 times out of 10. In fact, I suppose I could keep a frozen tea bag in the freezer and use it on your tooth.
- Garlic cloves in the tooth have helped relieve the pain.
- Ginger Root - Shaving feet of a place and in the teeth. I heard that helps with the infection, and eased my pain some.
6. Dental pain relief using olive oil and cotton.
Gayle A.
I invented my own toothache remedy, every time I have a toothache that use olive oil. Put a very small amount (probably enough to cover the bottom of the cup or slightly more) in 10 seconds or until slightly warm to the touch and have a spoon so that someone in the ear that is hurting.
Lay on the opposite side about 30 seconds so you'll have time to drain down. His toothache is expected to be gone. This worked for me countless times, even with an infected tooth. It also helps prevent ear infection. I hope it works for you!
PS: Please do not try to put yourself in your ear; you can end up with a very viscous bath.
7. Remedy for toothache using iodine.
Rebecca F.
A friend told me that one drop of iodine on a tooth to help kill the pain and stop abscess. So far it works great.
Just remember to drop in let stand not swallow. Then, after brushing.
8. Tooth pain remedy using table salt and warm water.
Fosh S.
As many say, table salt and warm water is great, and I used it for tooth pain does not disappear completely, but it's nothing compared to the dental pain was horrible at first. It works quite well and brushes your teeth then gets rid of bad taste.
9. Dental pain relief using oregano oil.
Jessica I.
I had many problems with my teeth and, sometimes, no money for the dentist. Here are some natural remedies for toothache:
1. Oil of oregano - apply directly to the teeth or gums, bad taste and it burns a little natural, but has anti-biotic.
2. Colgate peroxyl rinse mouth - mouth lesions, most contain peroxide.
3. Colloidal Silver - this can be found at health food stores may also have antibiotic properties. Keep a dropperful under your tongue and then swallowed twice daily.
4. Cashews or cashew oil. I have listened to eat cashews can cause an abscess to heal. It has not worked for me, but I know people who have worked.
10. Relieve dental pain with the help of hot damp washcloth.
John D.
Apply a hot wet towel in the areas of pain until the pain subsides ... repeated as necessary ... will not surprise you ... works for extreme toothache pain.
Get ready, bookmark or save this page if you want to be ready when the dental pain will come unexpectedly.
Dental Pain
Pain is a very personal experience that can not be shared and is one of the major concerns of man. It is the most common symptom for consultation with the attending doctor.
We have said that is an experience that can not be shared, as identical pain stimuli applied to different individuals perceive it differently. We can not feel exactly the same as another person.
In the face and mouth are very sensitive to pain. Dentists have to differentiate the source of pain.
Here we go breakdown characteristics of various types of pain, focusing primarily on mucosal pain, dental pain and periodontal (which comes from the tissues that form the periodontium, which is the area surrounding the tooth).
Mucosal Pain
The mucosa of the oral cavity can be damaged by many factors such as alcohol, snuff, certain drugs administered orally or topically, dentin defects, restorations or ill-fitting dentures and so on., But may also be affected by local or systemic diseases an impact on the oral cavity, resulting in injuries that cause pain.
They are wounds that only hurt when a stimulus is applied. The site of injury and place of origin of the stimulus are the same. A further stimulus, the greater pain. Hence, the pain felt is proportional to stimulation. An injury that hurt when pressure is exerted on it at the site of injury, and the more pressure, feel more pain.
Let's make a classification of mucosal lesions that cause pain:
On one side are the infections, whether viral, fungal or bacterial infections. Some iatrogenic injuries can also cause pain, as is the case of injuries, also the chemical, physical. Squamous cell carcinoma (which is a tumor), recurrent canker mucocotáneas and certain diseases can be painful.
We found infectious lesions, which may be viral, bacterial and fungal infections. Today, the prevalence of oral infections is increasing, especially in patients with low immunity, being more common viral and bacterial fungal.
There are three groups of viruses that are capable of producing painful vesicular eruptions in the mucosa. Are herpes simplex, herpes varicella zoster and coxsackie. They remain latent in the body after infection, so that recurrences are common, ie, when they occur in people with certain virus called precipitating factors (such as stress), the symptoms reappear in disease.
The difference is that in the oral mucosa, where it first appears, yes there is a huge systemic involvement and local pain is one of the major problems, but recurrence is usually less important. In the cold sores, for example, will not be very painful recurrences (with exceptions).
We have said that bacterial infections are less common, but you have to mention the GUNA, acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis, their size. It is a destructive inflammatory process of the gums, causing a significant gingival pain. It is a type of moderate to severe pain, which is not caused by any external stimulus, but occurs spontaneously, and that is constant.
For fungal infections, ie yeast, we can ensure that the most common fungal infection of the upper digestive tract candidiasis. There are varieties of candidiasis, which causes pain being one of them is called antibiotic painful tongue (so named because it often appears with prolonged use of antibiotics).
Among iatrogenic causes, are the most common injuries that can be caused by biting, by mechanical irritation from poorly fitting dentures, etc...? It is a type of mild to moderate pain, and stop when the tissue heals. If the lesion becomes infected, the pain will increase.
Among the chemicals that cause pain, which produces the most frequently acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) because contact with the mucosa, leading to chemical necrosis, and ulceration. Among physical agents would be thermal and electrical burns.
Neoplastic lesions of the mucosa, including squamous cell carcinoma only produce pain when lesions are very advanced and very intense.
Canker sores are indeed one of the most common injuries, and annoying during the first days. Loss of substance is the acute, painful, necrotic initial and recurrent. Although the lesion persists, it only hurts the first few days.
Among mucocutaneous diseases are lichen planus, with various clinical manifestations, but the only one that hurts the erosive type. If you are very large, produce severe pain that even hinder food intake. Pemphigus vulgaris produces a blister-like lesions, which will hurt if super infected.
Dental pain is one of the most annoying pains suffered by humans, and is the most common reason that patients come to the dental clinic.
Dental pain sensation begins in the receptors in the pulp (which is endowed with nerve fibers) or dentine.
The cement and enamel, are insensible. When looking at the pain caused by such a decayed tooth, we see that it clearly shows the location of pain because the patient may feel referred to other areas. Dental pain has a great variability in their characteristics and intensity.
What may have toothache?
Dentinal pain.
It is a severe pain that lasts a few seconds, and occurs to stimuli externs. (These stimuli can be hot or cold beverages, fatty or sweet etc...) Natural stimuli such as extreme temperature changes can be significant in very sensitive teeth, but not necessarily indicate impaired dentin.
It's a pain that is very well located, the patient can not say which tooth hurts, and indicates an area and not a tooth as affected by pain. Almost always, the cause of this pain is tooth decay. A restoration in disrepair, the loss of a filling, etc. enamel abrasions. Are situations that can cause teeth to be more sensitive to pain?
Pulpal pain.
Pulp response to an external stimulus depends on the intensity of the stimulus is applied, and the state of it. The pulp undergoes changes with age and other physiological situations and so on. And is difficult to assess at each moment the state, so that the diagnosis of the type of pathological process that suffers the pulp is not easy.
The pain can range from mild to excruciating, can occur spontaneously without any external stimuli, or to thermal or chemical stimuli. It may be intermittent, with periods without pain, or continuous. We see therefore that is a kind of pain by a wide margin of variability.
Faced with a pain in the mouth area, the dentist usually thinks that this is a toothache, and possibly will be the first type of pain tends to discard.Pulpal pain that we find can be acute or chronic.
Acute pulpal pain can occur spontaneously, like a pinch short and intense to alter the individual while, or to various stimuli, giving the case to increase before the cold and heat, or increasing and decreasing heat from cold. It may be continuous or intermittent, momentary or maintained. Generally increases at bedtime because it increases blood pressure in the skull. Ceases when the tooth receives appropriate treatment or to spend some time, since after the acute inflammation of the pulp, it dies producing necrosis.
As in the dentinal pain is difficult to locate the tooth pain sufferer, especially when pain is mild.
The pulp chronic pain usually results in the continuity in time of acute injury. The pain can range from intense, as in an acute injury, to be simply a malaise that continues
Joint pain would occur twice, or when it has affected the periodontal acute inflammation of the pulp with periapical involvement (the final part of the tooth root) is rapid, or when the pulp is affected secondarily (in ascending order) from a pathological process that occurs initially in the periodontium.
We have said that practically the first thing for the dentist when the patient complains of a sore mouth is an injury or a possible cause that affects the tooth. The most common reason that causes pain is dental caries. Your dentist will look carious lesions.
To determine whether affected the periodontal patient to chew or refer pain to pressure, so the diagnosis easier.
When the patient shows great sensitivity to heat and electrical stimuli (those caused by the dentist), it generally consists of an acute pulpitis. If stimuli are light increasing the pain response in time, it will be a chronic condition.
Anesthetizing the tooth will see if that stops the pain was a toothache, the cause and we will seek appropriate treatment. As the cavities, which are usually the most common cause of toothache, progresses, we must make more drastic treatment for the tooth (such as a root canal the nerve-killing), so it is important to locate and treat pain as soon as possible.
Periodontal Pain
Periodontal pain is pain easier location of the tooth, as painful receptors are able to locate it fairly well stimulation, and the pain can be well provided the intensity. The diagnosis, as we have said before also tends to be easier than pulpal pain.
As a disease process can proceed either pulpal inflammation that eventually affects the periodontium, or involvement from outside the periodontium, (as in the case of gingivitis or periodontitis), it features vary Depending on the cause that has originated.
If it evolves into a chronic periodontal inflammation, pain ceases, but may recur in subsequent periods. Only there will be pain if the fistulae inflammatory lesion, ie forming a fistula that makes the purulent material (pus, etc.). Inflammation of the flow out.
We have said that is an experience that can not be shared, as identical pain stimuli applied to different individuals perceive it differently. We can not feel exactly the same as another person.
In the face and mouth are very sensitive to pain. Dentists have to differentiate the source of pain.
Here we go breakdown characteristics of various types of pain, focusing primarily on mucosal pain, dental pain and periodontal (which comes from the tissues that form the periodontium, which is the area surrounding the tooth).
Mucosal Pain
The mucosa of the oral cavity can be damaged by many factors such as alcohol, snuff, certain drugs administered orally or topically, dentin defects, restorations or ill-fitting dentures and so on., But may also be affected by local or systemic diseases an impact on the oral cavity, resulting in injuries that cause pain.
They are wounds that only hurt when a stimulus is applied. The site of injury and place of origin of the stimulus are the same. A further stimulus, the greater pain. Hence, the pain felt is proportional to stimulation. An injury that hurt when pressure is exerted on it at the site of injury, and the more pressure, feel more pain.
Let's make a classification of mucosal lesions that cause pain:
On one side are the infections, whether viral, fungal or bacterial infections. Some iatrogenic injuries can also cause pain, as is the case of injuries, also the chemical, physical. Squamous cell carcinoma (which is a tumor), recurrent canker mucocotáneas and certain diseases can be painful.
We found infectious lesions, which may be viral, bacterial and fungal infections. Today, the prevalence of oral infections is increasing, especially in patients with low immunity, being more common viral and bacterial fungal.
There are three groups of viruses that are capable of producing painful vesicular eruptions in the mucosa. Are herpes simplex, herpes varicella zoster and coxsackie. They remain latent in the body after infection, so that recurrences are common, ie, when they occur in people with certain virus called precipitating factors (such as stress), the symptoms reappear in disease.
The difference is that in the oral mucosa, where it first appears, yes there is a huge systemic involvement and local pain is one of the major problems, but recurrence is usually less important. In the cold sores, for example, will not be very painful recurrences (with exceptions).
We have said that bacterial infections are less common, but you have to mention the GUNA, acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis, their size. It is a destructive inflammatory process of the gums, causing a significant gingival pain. It is a type of moderate to severe pain, which is not caused by any external stimulus, but occurs spontaneously, and that is constant.
For fungal infections, ie yeast, we can ensure that the most common fungal infection of the upper digestive tract candidiasis. There are varieties of candidiasis, which causes pain being one of them is called antibiotic painful tongue (so named because it often appears with prolonged use of antibiotics).
Among iatrogenic causes, are the most common injuries that can be caused by biting, by mechanical irritation from poorly fitting dentures, etc...? It is a type of mild to moderate pain, and stop when the tissue heals. If the lesion becomes infected, the pain will increase.
Among the chemicals that cause pain, which produces the most frequently acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) because contact with the mucosa, leading to chemical necrosis, and ulceration. Among physical agents would be thermal and electrical burns.
Neoplastic lesions of the mucosa, including squamous cell carcinoma only produce pain when lesions are very advanced and very intense.
Canker sores are indeed one of the most common injuries, and annoying during the first days. Loss of substance is the acute, painful, necrotic initial and recurrent. Although the lesion persists, it only hurts the first few days.
Among mucocutaneous diseases are lichen planus, with various clinical manifestations, but the only one that hurts the erosive type. If you are very large, produce severe pain that even hinder food intake. Pemphigus vulgaris produces a blister-like lesions, which will hurt if super infected.
Dental pain is one of the most annoying pains suffered by humans, and is the most common reason that patients come to the dental clinic.
Dental pain sensation begins in the receptors in the pulp (which is endowed with nerve fibers) or dentine.
The cement and enamel, are insensible. When looking at the pain caused by such a decayed tooth, we see that it clearly shows the location of pain because the patient may feel referred to other areas. Dental pain has a great variability in their characteristics and intensity.
What may have toothache?
Dentinal pain.
It is a severe pain that lasts a few seconds, and occurs to stimuli externs. (These stimuli can be hot or cold beverages, fatty or sweet etc...) Natural stimuli such as extreme temperature changes can be significant in very sensitive teeth, but not necessarily indicate impaired dentin.
It's a pain that is very well located, the patient can not say which tooth hurts, and indicates an area and not a tooth as affected by pain. Almost always, the cause of this pain is tooth decay. A restoration in disrepair, the loss of a filling, etc. enamel abrasions. Are situations that can cause teeth to be more sensitive to pain?
Pulpal pain.
Pulp response to an external stimulus depends on the intensity of the stimulus is applied, and the state of it. The pulp undergoes changes with age and other physiological situations and so on. And is difficult to assess at each moment the state, so that the diagnosis of the type of pathological process that suffers the pulp is not easy.
The pain can range from mild to excruciating, can occur spontaneously without any external stimuli, or to thermal or chemical stimuli. It may be intermittent, with periods without pain, or continuous. We see therefore that is a kind of pain by a wide margin of variability.
Faced with a pain in the mouth area, the dentist usually thinks that this is a toothache, and possibly will be the first type of pain tends to discard.Pulpal pain that we find can be acute or chronic.
Acute pulpal pain can occur spontaneously, like a pinch short and intense to alter the individual while, or to various stimuli, giving the case to increase before the cold and heat, or increasing and decreasing heat from cold. It may be continuous or intermittent, momentary or maintained. Generally increases at bedtime because it increases blood pressure in the skull. Ceases when the tooth receives appropriate treatment or to spend some time, since after the acute inflammation of the pulp, it dies producing necrosis.
As in the dentinal pain is difficult to locate the tooth pain sufferer, especially when pain is mild.
The pulp chronic pain usually results in the continuity in time of acute injury. The pain can range from intense, as in an acute injury, to be simply a malaise that continues
Joint pain would occur twice, or when it has affected the periodontal acute inflammation of the pulp with periapical involvement (the final part of the tooth root) is rapid, or when the pulp is affected secondarily (in ascending order) from a pathological process that occurs initially in the periodontium.
We have said that practically the first thing for the dentist when the patient complains of a sore mouth is an injury or a possible cause that affects the tooth. The most common reason that causes pain is dental caries. Your dentist will look carious lesions.
To determine whether affected the periodontal patient to chew or refer pain to pressure, so the diagnosis easier.
When the patient shows great sensitivity to heat and electrical stimuli (those caused by the dentist), it generally consists of an acute pulpitis. If stimuli are light increasing the pain response in time, it will be a chronic condition.
Anesthetizing the tooth will see if that stops the pain was a toothache, the cause and we will seek appropriate treatment. As the cavities, which are usually the most common cause of toothache, progresses, we must make more drastic treatment for the tooth (such as a root canal the nerve-killing), so it is important to locate and treat pain as soon as possible.
Periodontal Pain
Periodontal pain is pain easier location of the tooth, as painful receptors are able to locate it fairly well stimulation, and the pain can be well provided the intensity. The diagnosis, as we have said before also tends to be easier than pulpal pain.
As a disease process can proceed either pulpal inflammation that eventually affects the periodontium, or involvement from outside the periodontium, (as in the case of gingivitis or periodontitis), it features vary Depending on the cause that has originated.
If it evolves into a chronic periodontal inflammation, pain ceases, but may recur in subsequent periods. Only there will be pain if the fistulae inflammatory lesion, ie forming a fistula that makes the purulent material (pus, etc.). Inflammation of the flow out.
Minggu, 29 November 2009
MoU Primkop IDI - Bank Syariah Mandiri, Palembang 19 November 2009

Telah ditandatangani MoU antara Primkop IDI (Primer Koperasi Ikatan Dokter Indonesia) dengan Bank Syariah Mandiri (BSM) di Palembang, tanggal 19 November 2009pada Muktamar Dokter Indonesia ke-27 mengenai program pembiayaan untuk semua dokter anggota IDI yang telah menjadi anggota Primkop IDI.
Program utama pembiayaan, dengan urutan waktu pelaksanaan, adalah sebagai
1. Pembiayaan pembelian alat kesehatan (Akan diluncurkan Januari 2010)
2. Pembiayaan pendidikan (menyusul)
3. Pembiayaan pembuatan klinik (menyusul)
4. Investasi untuk usaha kesehatan (rumahsakit, dlsb) dengan pola bagi
hasil/restricted mudarabah (menyusul).
5. Pembiayaan rumah, kendaraan (menyusul)
Puting Susu Tidak Keluar ( Masuk ke dalam) dan Penyebabnya
Ada dua jenis kondisi di mana puting susu tidak keluar. Pertama disebut dengan istilah retraksi yang artinya tidak permanen dan tidak perlu pengobatan. Bisa di munculkan dengan manipulasi tangan atau akibat udara dingin bisa nongol dengan sendirinya. Kedua yang disebut dengan istilah inversi, di mana puting susu masuk secara permanen.
Puting susu yang inversi (KLIK UNTUK LIHAT GAMBAR)— bisa disebabkan oleh berbagai hal. Yang paling sering adalah akibat pendeknya saluran ASI (duktus laktiferus). Bisa menimbulkan masalah dalam menyusui. Juga sulit dibersihkan dan puting serta area sekitarnya (areola) bisa me-radang dan ter-iritasi. Biasanya bisa dikoreksi dengan pembedahan. Sebelum dilakukan pembedahan, harus dipastikan dulu tidak ada masalah medis yang menyebabkannya.
Pada kebanyakan kasus, hal ini merupakan bawaan lahir, dimana puting susu sudah inversi ke dalam sejak lahir (kongenital). Penyebab lainnya adalah akibat biopsi (ambil sampel jaringan tubuh) atau pembedahan payudara. Pada Kasus-kasus ini mungkin tidak ada penyakit yang menajdi penyebabnya (underlying problem). Dan sering akan membaik sendiri saat hamil.
Tetapi jika jika inversi nya semakin dalam mungkin itu suatu pertanda adanya penyakit seperti kanker payudara misalnya atau penyebab lainnya, seperti infeksi jaringan payudara (mastitis).
Jika memang tidak ada underlying problem, inversi yang merupakan bawaan lahir disebabkan duktus laktiferus dan kurangnya jaringan ikat dibandingkan yang normal, bisa dikoreksi dengan prosedur pembedahan dengan membebaskan jaringan ikatnya dan menonjolkan putingnya. Ada beberapa teknik pembedahan, tergantung sedalam mana inversinya.
Walaupun secara fisik bisa diperbaiki dengan pembedahan, tetapi biasanya proses menyusui masih bisa mengalami kesulitan. Juga dalam beberapa kasus kondisinya bisa kembali lagi (rekuren). Makanya sebelum dilakukan pembedahan diskusikan dengan dokter akan risiko dan keuntungannya (risks and benefits)
Puting susu yang inversi (KLIK UNTUK LIHAT GAMBAR)— bisa disebabkan oleh berbagai hal. Yang paling sering adalah akibat pendeknya saluran ASI (duktus laktiferus). Bisa menimbulkan masalah dalam menyusui. Juga sulit dibersihkan dan puting serta area sekitarnya (areola) bisa me-radang dan ter-iritasi. Biasanya bisa dikoreksi dengan pembedahan. Sebelum dilakukan pembedahan, harus dipastikan dulu tidak ada masalah medis yang menyebabkannya.
Pada kebanyakan kasus, hal ini merupakan bawaan lahir, dimana puting susu sudah inversi ke dalam sejak lahir (kongenital). Penyebab lainnya adalah akibat biopsi (ambil sampel jaringan tubuh) atau pembedahan payudara. Pada Kasus-kasus ini mungkin tidak ada penyakit yang menajdi penyebabnya (underlying problem). Dan sering akan membaik sendiri saat hamil.
Tetapi jika jika inversi nya semakin dalam mungkin itu suatu pertanda adanya penyakit seperti kanker payudara misalnya atau penyebab lainnya, seperti infeksi jaringan payudara (mastitis).
Jika memang tidak ada underlying problem, inversi yang merupakan bawaan lahir disebabkan duktus laktiferus dan kurangnya jaringan ikat dibandingkan yang normal, bisa dikoreksi dengan prosedur pembedahan dengan membebaskan jaringan ikatnya dan menonjolkan putingnya. Ada beberapa teknik pembedahan, tergantung sedalam mana inversinya.
Walaupun secara fisik bisa diperbaiki dengan pembedahan, tetapi biasanya proses menyusui masih bisa mengalami kesulitan. Juga dalam beberapa kasus kondisinya bisa kembali lagi (rekuren). Makanya sebelum dilakukan pembedahan diskusikan dengan dokter akan risiko dan keuntungannya (risks and benefits)
Sabtu, 28 November 2009
Tabel Kalendar Cina Untuk Pilih Jenis Kelamin
Berikut ini ada tabel sederhana berdasarkan pengalaman orang Tionghua, dalam merencanakan jenis kelamin bayi. Kolom (vertikal) adalah bulan di mana konsepsi terjadi, sedangkan baris (horizontal) adalah usia wanita saat konsepsi terjadi. Warna pink = bayi perempuan dan warna biru = bayi laki-laki. Jadi tinggal atur saja kapan ML jika menginginkan anak laki-laki atau perempuan. Gampang banget bukan ? Akuratkah ? 

Coba saja...
Biru = Boy dan Pink = Girl
Sedangkan berikut ini adalah Prediksi jenis kelamin bayi berdasarkan waktu lahir ibu dan saat konsepsi terjadi.
Cara pakai
Biru = Boy dan Pink = Girl
Bulan Konsepsi | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 |
Januari | ||||||||||||||
Februari | ||||||||||||||
Maret | ||||||||||||||
April | ||||||||||||||
May | ||||||||||||||
Juni | ||||||||||||||
Juli | ||||||||||||||
Agustus | ||||||||||||||
September | ||||||||||||||
Oktober | ||||||||||||||
November | ||||||||||||||
Desember |
BUlan Konsepsi | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 | 41 | 42 | 43 | 44 | 45 |
Januari | ||||||||||||||
Februari | ||||||||||||||
Maret | ||||||||||||||
April | ||||||||||||||
May | ||||||||||||||
Juni | ||||||||||||||
Juli | ||||||||||||||
Agustus | ||||||||||||||
September | ||||||||||||||
Oktober | ||||||||||||||
November | ||||||||||||||
Desember |
Sedangkan berikut ini adalah Prediksi jenis kelamin bayi berdasarkan waktu lahir ibu dan saat konsepsi terjadi.
Cara pakai
Jumat, 27 November 2009
Paypal Bagi-bagi duit...
Melalui programnya yang dinamakan Paypal Wishlist (KLIK), PayPal sedang bagi2 duit sampai dengan US$100. Tetapi sebelumnya harus ada akun Fesbuk dan akun PayPal dulu, bagi yang sudah ada bisa langsung join. Begitu join dengan program ini langsung dapat US$1. Isi 5 item yang diinginkan, selanjutnya tinggal sharing. Tambahan US$1 bagi setiap hasil rekrutan, maksimal sampai US$100. Promo ini berlaku hanya s/d 31 Desember 2009 atau sampai uang yang dianggarkan habis. Berlaku untuk Paypal yang terdaftar di negara2 : India, Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, Singapore dan Vietnam. Ayu buruan...lumayan US$100 buat belanja Online...
Bees produce a powerful composite anti caries
Dentists Medicine Center at the University of Rochester, New York, together with scientists in biology and nutrition at the University of Caminos, Brazil, discovered that a compound produced by Brazilian bees to build, repair and protect their beehives could be a powerful anti-caries agent.
This is the propolis, a sticky element that bees used to give consistency to their hives. The secretions produced from trees and other plants, which are transported to the nest, chewed and returned, and then mixed with wax themselves also produce. In the honeycomb, the substance is used to seal holes and openings, keep clean, and up to embalm dead insects.
In laboratory tests the most powerful version of this compound, made by bees in southern Brazil, decreased the incidence of caries in rats by 60%, and virtually ended the activity of an enzyme ( "GIF") key the formation of plaque. Based on the fact that rats develop caries in the same way as humans, and some substances that prevent cavities in humans also do so in animals, researchers are declared very excited by the potential shown by this compound to prevent decay in people. Now need to test its action in human volunteers.
The relationship between some components of the honeycomb material and dental health was first discovered by Dr. Michel Hyun Koo, a graduate in Brazil and further studies in Nutritional Biochemistry. His persistence led him to investigate these properties of these substances, focusing on the anti caries potential of propolis while getting his degree in nutritional sciences and a Ph.D. in oral biology in Brazil. He then moved to the Center for Oral Biology, University of Rochester to develop their research on the subject.
But not all propolis are equal. Its effectiveness depends greatly on the type of plants and trees in the area where the bees do their homework. Koo over 2,500 samples analyzed only in Brazil. Therefore, the mere presence of propolis in a product does not necessarily effective.
Koo has spent thousands of hours of work in his laboratory in Rochester working with Dr.
William Bowen, trying to identify which of the 100 components of propolis are
Holders of anti caries properties. So far have identified two, both from the potent propolis made by bees in southern Brazil.
Translation and Adaptation: Oscar Sanabria
Source: Research by Dr. Michel Hyun Koo University of Rochester Medical Center
This is the propolis, a sticky element that bees used to give consistency to their hives. The secretions produced from trees and other plants, which are transported to the nest, chewed and returned, and then mixed with wax themselves also produce. In the honeycomb, the substance is used to seal holes and openings, keep clean, and up to embalm dead insects.
In laboratory tests the most powerful version of this compound, made by bees in southern Brazil, decreased the incidence of caries in rats by 60%, and virtually ended the activity of an enzyme ( "GIF") key the formation of plaque. Based on the fact that rats develop caries in the same way as humans, and some substances that prevent cavities in humans also do so in animals, researchers are declared very excited by the potential shown by this compound to prevent decay in people. Now need to test its action in human volunteers.
The relationship between some components of the honeycomb material and dental health was first discovered by Dr. Michel Hyun Koo, a graduate in Brazil and further studies in Nutritional Biochemistry. His persistence led him to investigate these properties of these substances, focusing on the anti caries potential of propolis while getting his degree in nutritional sciences and a Ph.D. in oral biology in Brazil. He then moved to the Center for Oral Biology, University of Rochester to develop their research on the subject.
But not all propolis are equal. Its effectiveness depends greatly on the type of plants and trees in the area where the bees do their homework. Koo over 2,500 samples analyzed only in Brazil. Therefore, the mere presence of propolis in a product does not necessarily effective.
Koo has spent thousands of hours of work in his laboratory in Rochester working with Dr.
William Bowen, trying to identify which of the 100 components of propolis are
Holders of anti caries properties. So far have identified two, both from the potent propolis made by bees in southern Brazil.
Translation and Adaptation: Oscar Sanabria
Source: Research by Dr. Michel Hyun Koo University of Rochester Medical Center
Kamis, 26 November 2009
135th : jobless!!!
yup..thats me!
even im already graduate as a doctor but still i can't work
not before i pass the UKDI test
after 4 years in college
and 2 years as ko-assistant in the goverment hospital
and already get my degree as a doctor
but still...can't do for a job
thats just not enough to proven that im able enough to be a doctor and handle a patient
what a cruel life...
my future is depending on the result of 200 multiple question of general medical case...
but that test is so damn hard!
i just pray for the best!!!
thats all i can do now....
im jobless and got no money on my pocket....
what else i can do anyway...
at least i got something to think about...
waiting for my december...
its still counting....
even im already graduate as a doctor but still i can't work
not before i pass the UKDI test
after 4 years in college
and 2 years as ko-assistant in the goverment hospital
and already get my degree as a doctor
but still...can't do for a job
thats just not enough to proven that im able enough to be a doctor and handle a patient
what a cruel life...
my future is depending on the result of 200 multiple question of general medical case...
but that test is so damn hard!
i just pray for the best!!!
thats all i can do now....
im jobless and got no money on my pocket....
what else i can do anyway...
at least i got something to think about...
waiting for my december...
its still counting....
Perubahan Kulit Saat Hamil
Saat hamil kita akan menemukan banyak perubahan-perubahan pada kulit wanita. Yang paling mudah dan gampang dilihat adalah adanya garis2 pink, merah, atau kehitaman pada dinding perut yang dinamakan Stretch Mark. Tidak semua wanita hamil mengalami perubahan yang sama. Berikut ini merupakan perubahan2 kulit yang sering ditemukan saat hamil.
Stretch marks merupakan perubahan kulit yang paling TOP dibicarakan. Hampir 90% wanita hamil akan mengalaminya. Pada wanita berkulit putih warnanya pink atau kemerahan, sedangkan yang kulitnya gelap akan berwarna coklat atau kehitaman> Terdapat pada perut dan atau payudara.
Olah raga dan memakai losion yang mengandung vitamin E dan Asam alfa hidroksi dikatakan bisa membantu mencegah stretch marks. Cara2 ini memang belum sepenuhnya terbukti secara medis, namun tidak salahnya untuk dicoba. Stretch marks akan berkurang intensitasnya setelah bayi lahir, dan sayangnya tidak bisa hilang total (jadi kenang2an hamil, wanita yang pernah melahirkan gak bisa ngaku gadis lagi he he he).
"Topeng" Hamil
Merupakan perubahan warna kulit di sekitar wajah yang seolah2 membentuk topeng, dikenal dengan istilah medisnya chloasma atau melasma. Timbulnya sering di sekitar dahi dan pipi. Proses ini akibat peningkatan pigmentasi (pewarnaan) pada kulit yang disebabkan aktifitas hormon kehamilan. Sekitar 50% wanita hamil akan mengalaminya.
Untuk mencegah/mengurangi timbulnya dianjurkan untuk memakai tabir surya (sunscreen)jika akan bepergian keluar rumah. Memakai topi yang melindungi muka juga dianjurkan. Pada kulit yang sensitif, topeng ini bisa semakin jelas.
Wajah berseri-seri/semakin bersih.
Saat hamil tubuh menghasilkan 50% lebih banyak darah yang notabene juga akan meningkatkan darah yang beredar. peredaran darah yang meningkat ini akan menyebabkan kulit wajah menjadi lebih terang (berseri). Disamping itu juga, sejumlah hormon dihasilkan mengakibatkan kelenjar di muka menghasilkan lemak lebih banyak yang mengakibatkan wajah jadi berkilat.
Untuk minyak di wajah tentu saja bisa dibersihkan dengan pembersih wajah. Sisanya/selebihnya jangan lakukan apapun selain: smile! smile! and smile!...

Banyak Jerawat
Jika sebelum hamil jerawat sudah ada, maka saat hamil jerawat akan semakin subur. Hormon kehamilan akan menyebabkan kelenjar kulit memproduksi lebih banyak minyak, yang akan membuat jerawat membesar. Lakukan pembersihan secara teratur, dengan sabun pembersih wajah. pagi dan sore hari. Jauhi obat2 jerawat yang tidak direkomendasikan buat wanita hamil.
Varises adalah penonjolan pembuluh darah vena yang biasanya muncul pada kaki saat hamil. Ini terjadi karena tubuh wanita hamil harus mengkompensasi darah ekstra. Varises bisa berasa tidak nyaman dan kadang-kadang nyeri. Untungnya ada langkah-langkah pencegahannya yaitu: hindari berdiri dalam waktu yang lama, berjalan sebanyak mungkin agar darah segera kembali ke jantung, tinggikan/naikkan kaki saat duduk, hindari duduk yang lama, memakai kaus kai khusus (supporting stocking), konsumsi vit C dengan cukup (membuat pembuluh vena sehat dan elastis), dan hindari penambahan berat badan yang berlebihan.
Spider nevi
(= tahi lalat laba2), adalah pembuluh darah kecil yang bercabang-cabang ke arah radier. Biasanya muncul di sekitar leher, wajah, dada bagian atas dan lengan. Tidak menimbulkan nyeri dan segera hilang setelah melahirkan.
Tingkatkan konsumsi vitamin C dan jangan menyilang kaki bisa mencegah timbulnya spider nevi. Jika tidak berkurang setelah hamil, dapat dihilangkan dengan terapi laser.
Linea Nigra
Linea nigra adalah garis hitam di bagian tengah perut di bagian bawah pusar sampai ke daerah kemaluan bagian atas. Penyebabnya diduga pengaruh hormon kehamilan. Mulai tampak jelas pada usia kehamilan 4 atau 5 minggu. Tidak bisa dicegah atau dikurangi. Akan mengabur setelah kelahiran.
Menghitamnya beberapa area seperti tahi lalat, area puting susu serta daerah bibir kemaluan sering ditemukan. Juga akibat pengaruh hormon kehamilan. Tidak ada yang bisa dilakukan untuk mencegahnya.
Stretch marks merupakan perubahan kulit yang paling TOP dibicarakan. Hampir 90% wanita hamil akan mengalaminya. Pada wanita berkulit putih warnanya pink atau kemerahan, sedangkan yang kulitnya gelap akan berwarna coklat atau kehitaman> Terdapat pada perut dan atau payudara.
Olah raga dan memakai losion yang mengandung vitamin E dan Asam alfa hidroksi dikatakan bisa membantu mencegah stretch marks. Cara2 ini memang belum sepenuhnya terbukti secara medis, namun tidak salahnya untuk dicoba. Stretch marks akan berkurang intensitasnya setelah bayi lahir, dan sayangnya tidak bisa hilang total (jadi kenang2an hamil, wanita yang pernah melahirkan gak bisa ngaku gadis lagi he he he).
"Topeng" Hamil
Merupakan perubahan warna kulit di sekitar wajah yang seolah2 membentuk topeng, dikenal dengan istilah medisnya chloasma atau melasma. Timbulnya sering di sekitar dahi dan pipi. Proses ini akibat peningkatan pigmentasi (pewarnaan) pada kulit yang disebabkan aktifitas hormon kehamilan. Sekitar 50% wanita hamil akan mengalaminya.
Untuk mencegah/mengurangi timbulnya dianjurkan untuk memakai tabir surya (sunscreen)jika akan bepergian keluar rumah. Memakai topi yang melindungi muka juga dianjurkan. Pada kulit yang sensitif, topeng ini bisa semakin jelas.
Wajah berseri-seri/semakin bersih.
Saat hamil tubuh menghasilkan 50% lebih banyak darah yang notabene juga akan meningkatkan darah yang beredar. peredaran darah yang meningkat ini akan menyebabkan kulit wajah menjadi lebih terang (berseri). Disamping itu juga, sejumlah hormon dihasilkan mengakibatkan kelenjar di muka menghasilkan lemak lebih banyak yang mengakibatkan wajah jadi berkilat.
Untuk minyak di wajah tentu saja bisa dibersihkan dengan pembersih wajah. Sisanya/selebihnya jangan lakukan apapun selain: smile! smile! and smile!...
Banyak Jerawat
Jika sebelum hamil jerawat sudah ada, maka saat hamil jerawat akan semakin subur. Hormon kehamilan akan menyebabkan kelenjar kulit memproduksi lebih banyak minyak, yang akan membuat jerawat membesar. Lakukan pembersihan secara teratur, dengan sabun pembersih wajah. pagi dan sore hari. Jauhi obat2 jerawat yang tidak direkomendasikan buat wanita hamil.
Varises adalah penonjolan pembuluh darah vena yang biasanya muncul pada kaki saat hamil. Ini terjadi karena tubuh wanita hamil harus mengkompensasi darah ekstra. Varises bisa berasa tidak nyaman dan kadang-kadang nyeri. Untungnya ada langkah-langkah pencegahannya yaitu: hindari berdiri dalam waktu yang lama, berjalan sebanyak mungkin agar darah segera kembali ke jantung, tinggikan/naikkan kaki saat duduk, hindari duduk yang lama, memakai kaus kai khusus (supporting stocking), konsumsi vit C dengan cukup (membuat pembuluh vena sehat dan elastis), dan hindari penambahan berat badan yang berlebihan.
Spider nevi
(= tahi lalat laba2), adalah pembuluh darah kecil yang bercabang-cabang ke arah radier. Biasanya muncul di sekitar leher, wajah, dada bagian atas dan lengan. Tidak menimbulkan nyeri dan segera hilang setelah melahirkan.
Tingkatkan konsumsi vitamin C dan jangan menyilang kaki bisa mencegah timbulnya spider nevi. Jika tidak berkurang setelah hamil, dapat dihilangkan dengan terapi laser.
Linea Nigra
Linea nigra adalah garis hitam di bagian tengah perut di bagian bawah pusar sampai ke daerah kemaluan bagian atas. Penyebabnya diduga pengaruh hormon kehamilan. Mulai tampak jelas pada usia kehamilan 4 atau 5 minggu. Tidak bisa dicegah atau dikurangi. Akan mengabur setelah kelahiran.
Menghitamnya beberapa area seperti tahi lalat, area puting susu serta daerah bibir kemaluan sering ditemukan. Juga akibat pengaruh hormon kehamilan. Tidak ada yang bisa dilakukan untuk mencegahnya.
Rabu, 25 November 2009
Sindroma Jacob = Sindroma XYY
Sindroma Jacob (SJ) merupakan kelainan kromosom laki2 yang jarang ditemukan. Pada sindroma ini, kromosom laki-laki normal yang biasanya X dan Y (46 XY) mendapat tambahan kromosom Y sehingga menjadi XYY (47 XYY). Laki-laki dengan SJ disebut dengan istilah laki-laki XYY.
Penyebab pastinya masih belum diketahui. Diduga terjadi kesalahan dalam pemisahan kromosom di tahap anafase II yang dinamakan nondisjunction yang mengakibatkan sel sperma memiliki kelebihan kromosom Y. Jika kemudian sperma ini membuahi sel telur maka terjadilah SJ.
Penderita sindroma ini memiliki gejala-gejala : gangguan dalam belajar di sekolah dan keterlambatan dalam kematangan emosional. Secara fisik, laki-laki dengan sindroma ini kurus, tinggi, berjerawat, gangguan bicara, dan gangguan dalam membaca. Dari segi libido penderita SJ tidak bermasaalah
Penderita SJ memiliki risiko untuk terkena penyakit lainnya. Seperti misalnya dalam kasus yang jarang, penderita SJ juga bisa terkena sindroma Klinefelter. Yaitu suatu kelainan kromosom dengan kromosom X tambahan (XXY).
Penyebab pastinya masih belum diketahui. Diduga terjadi kesalahan dalam pemisahan kromosom di tahap anafase II yang dinamakan nondisjunction yang mengakibatkan sel sperma memiliki kelebihan kromosom Y. Jika kemudian sperma ini membuahi sel telur maka terjadilah SJ.
Penderita sindroma ini memiliki gejala-gejala : gangguan dalam belajar di sekolah dan keterlambatan dalam kematangan emosional. Secara fisik, laki-laki dengan sindroma ini kurus, tinggi, berjerawat, gangguan bicara, dan gangguan dalam membaca. Dari segi libido penderita SJ tidak bermasaalah
Penderita SJ memiliki risiko untuk terkena penyakit lainnya. Seperti misalnya dalam kasus yang jarang, penderita SJ juga bisa terkena sindroma Klinefelter. Yaitu suatu kelainan kromosom dengan kromosom X tambahan (XXY).
Meet the two therapeutic areas against cavities
Professional training programs consider two therapeutic areas against cavities. On one side are those that address therapy in hard tissues (enamel and dentin), occasionally interventions through the soft tissue (pulp), as coatings. On the other hand are those that deal with root canal therapy and periapical tissues including tooth-conserving surgical techniques?
Traditionally gingivoplasty therapies and clinical crown lengthening has been exclusively in the field of periodontics, the reality is carried out by problems caused by caries.
Who should deal with any problem of tooth decay and make these therapies is called clinical cariólogis, dentists trained to solve all the effects of decay and its aftermath. The most important thing is to find people with this type of profile, a dentist qualified to resolve, through techniques of Operative Dentistry, Cosmetic Dentistry, Endodontics, Periodontics and Restorative Endodontic Surgery; to ensure that a decayed tooth, do not have to go hand in hand to be rehabilitated and have a better chance to stay in its socket in optimum health. Of course the best advice that could make dental domain, you should see your dentist frequently.
Information: Dr. Peter Ardines Limonchi.
Source: Journal of Dental Practice, Volume 22, June, 2001, No.6
Traditionally gingivoplasty therapies and clinical crown lengthening has been exclusively in the field of periodontics, the reality is carried out by problems caused by caries.
Who should deal with any problem of tooth decay and make these therapies is called clinical cariólogis, dentists trained to solve all the effects of decay and its aftermath. The most important thing is to find people with this type of profile, a dentist qualified to resolve, through techniques of Operative Dentistry, Cosmetic Dentistry, Endodontics, Periodontics and Restorative Endodontic Surgery; to ensure that a decayed tooth, do not have to go hand in hand to be rehabilitated and have a better chance to stay in its socket in optimum health. Of course the best advice that could make dental domain, you should see your dentist frequently.
Information: Dr. Peter Ardines Limonchi.
Source: Journal of Dental Practice, Volume 22, June, 2001, No.6
Nyeri Kepala (Cephalgia)
Nyeri Kepala (Cephalgia)
Pertanyaan dr Ibu Wen:
Bu wen: Assalamu'alaikum dok ana seorg ummahat umur 46 th dg 4 org anak yg sdh brgkt remaja, 3 th terakhir kami pndah dr pdg k cibubur, disini ana srng mengalami skt kepala kmdn nyeri tulang, tlng advisnya dok, trs ana prnh buka web dr basuki supartono mo share ttp tulang tapi gak ketemu lagi mhn info dok jzklh ws
Definition of Cephalgia
Cephalgia: Headache. (One of those things we all know but that defies an easy definition.) Literally, headache is an ache in the head. It is pain in the head. The Greek "algos" means "pain."
Nyeri kepala adalah perasaan sakit atau nyeri, termasuk rasa tidak nyaman yang menyerang daerah tengkorak (kepala) mulai dari kening kearah atas dan belakang kepala. dan daerah wajah.
Definisi menurut IASP (International assosiation for the study of pain):
Nyeri adalah pengalaman sensorik dan emosional yang tidak menyenangkan yang sedang terjadi atau telah terjadi atau yang digambarkan dengan kerusakan jaringan.
Klasifikasi HIS 1988 ;
1. migrain
2. nyeri kepala tension
3. nyeri kepala cluster dan hemicrania kronik paroksismal
4. nyeri kepala yang tidak berhubungan lesi structural
5. nyeri kepala berhubungan dengan cedera kepala
6. nyeri kepala berhubungan dengan gangguan vaskuler
7. nyeri kepala berhubungan denagn gangguan intrakranial non vaskuler
8. nyeri kepala berhubungan dengan zat-zat atau putus zat obat
9. nyeri kepela berhubunggan dengan infeksi non cephalic
10. nyeri kepala berhubungan dengan gangguan metabolic
11. nyeri kepala atau nyeri wajah dengan gangguan tengkorak, leher, mata, hidung, gigi, mulut, atau struktur-struktur wajah kranium
12. neuralgia cranialis, nyeri batang syaraf dan nyeri deafness
13. nyeri kepala yang terklasifikasi
Nyeri terdiri dari:
1. nyeri perifer
2. nyeri sentral (nyeri di aferens, nyeri konduktif)
3. nyeri perseptif
Pemeriksaan fisik :
Dilakukan lengkap : pemeriksaan umum, internus dan neurologik. Pemeriksaan lokal kepala, nyeri tekan didaerah kepala, gerakan kepala ke segala arah, palpasi arteri temporalis,spasme otot peri-cranial dan tengkuk, bruit orbital dan temporal.
Pemeriksaan Penunjang :
Pemeriksaan penunjang yang dapat dilakukan untuk membantu mendiagnosa nyeri kepala seperti :
1. Foto Rongten kepela
2. EEG
4. Arteriografi, Brain Scan Nuklir
5. Pemeriksaan laboratorium(Tidak rutin atas indikasi)
6. Pemeriksaaan psikologi (jarang dilakukan).
Strategi penanggulangan nyeri :
1. pengobatan proses dasar atau kelainan fisiologik spesifik (kausa etiologi,patogenesa), missal antibiotik untuk infeksi, spasmolitik untuk kolik, ergot untuk migren, dll termasuk pembedahan bila diperlukan.
2. pengobatan psikologik/psikiatrik dan atau psikotropik yang bertujuan untuk : menolong penderita untuk menyesuaikan diri dengan stress akibat nyeri, dan mengobati faktor2 [sikologik yang mnyebabkan atau mengkambuhkan nyeri..
3. terapi medikamentosa berupa analgetik untuk pengobatan simptomatik nyeri, apabila pengobatan spesifik tidak ada atau kurang memadai
4. terapi2 dengan metoda fisik yang sifatnya simptomatik apabila pengobatan 1,2, dan 3 kurang memadai atau dianggap gagal..
Pertanyaan dr Ibu Wen:
Bu wen: Assalamu'alaikum dok ana seorg ummahat umur 46 th dg 4 org anak yg sdh brgkt remaja, 3 th terakhir kami pndah dr pdg k cibubur, disini ana srng mengalami skt kepala kmdn nyeri tulang, tlng advisnya dok, trs ana prnh buka web dr basuki supartono mo share ttp tulang tapi gak ketemu lagi mhn info dok jzklh ws
Definition of Cephalgia
Cephalgia: Headache. (One of those things we all know but that defies an easy definition.) Literally, headache is an ache in the head. It is pain in the head. The Greek "algos" means "pain."
Nyeri kepala adalah perasaan sakit atau nyeri, termasuk rasa tidak nyaman yang menyerang daerah tengkorak (kepala) mulai dari kening kearah atas dan belakang kepala. dan daerah wajah.
Definisi menurut IASP (International assosiation for the study of pain):
Nyeri adalah pengalaman sensorik dan emosional yang tidak menyenangkan yang sedang terjadi atau telah terjadi atau yang digambarkan dengan kerusakan jaringan.
Klasifikasi HIS 1988 ;
1. migrain
2. nyeri kepala tension
3. nyeri kepala cluster dan hemicrania kronik paroksismal
4. nyeri kepala yang tidak berhubungan lesi structural
5. nyeri kepala berhubungan dengan cedera kepala
6. nyeri kepala berhubungan dengan gangguan vaskuler
7. nyeri kepala berhubungan denagn gangguan intrakranial non vaskuler
8. nyeri kepala berhubungan dengan zat-zat atau putus zat obat
9. nyeri kepela berhubunggan dengan infeksi non cephalic
10. nyeri kepala berhubungan dengan gangguan metabolic
11. nyeri kepala atau nyeri wajah dengan gangguan tengkorak, leher, mata, hidung, gigi, mulut, atau struktur-struktur wajah kranium
12. neuralgia cranialis, nyeri batang syaraf dan nyeri deafness
13. nyeri kepala yang terklasifikasi
Nyeri terdiri dari:
1. nyeri perifer
2. nyeri sentral (nyeri di aferens, nyeri konduktif)
3. nyeri perseptif
Pemeriksaan fisik :
Dilakukan lengkap : pemeriksaan umum, internus dan neurologik. Pemeriksaan lokal kepala, nyeri tekan didaerah kepala, gerakan kepala ke segala arah, palpasi arteri temporalis,spasme otot peri-cranial dan tengkuk, bruit orbital dan temporal.
Pemeriksaan Penunjang :
Pemeriksaan penunjang yang dapat dilakukan untuk membantu mendiagnosa nyeri kepala seperti :
1. Foto Rongten kepela
2. EEG
4. Arteriografi, Brain Scan Nuklir
5. Pemeriksaan laboratorium(Tidak rutin atas indikasi)
6. Pemeriksaaan psikologi (jarang dilakukan).
Strategi penanggulangan nyeri :
1. pengobatan proses dasar atau kelainan fisiologik spesifik (kausa etiologi,patogenesa), missal antibiotik untuk infeksi, spasmolitik untuk kolik, ergot untuk migren, dll termasuk pembedahan bila diperlukan.
2. pengobatan psikologik/psikiatrik dan atau psikotropik yang bertujuan untuk : menolong penderita untuk menyesuaikan diri dengan stress akibat nyeri, dan mengobati faktor2 [sikologik yang mnyebabkan atau mengkambuhkan nyeri..
3. terapi medikamentosa berupa analgetik untuk pengobatan simptomatik nyeri, apabila pengobatan spesifik tidak ada atau kurang memadai
4. terapi2 dengan metoda fisik yang sifatnya simptomatik apabila pengobatan 1,2, dan 3 kurang memadai atau dianggap gagal..
Qurban terbaik
Qurban terbaik
Dapat dari milis sebelah...semoga bermnfaat...
Kuhentikan mobil tepat di ujung kandang tempat berjualan hewan Qurban. Saat pintu mobil kubuka, bau tak sedap memenuhi rongga hidungku, dengan spontan aku menutupnya dengan saputangan. Suasana di tempat itu sangat ramai, dari para penjual yang hanya bersarung hingga ibu-ibu berkerudung Majelis Taklim, tidak terkecuali anak-anak yang ikut menemani orang tuanya melihat hewan yang akan di-Qurban-kan pada Idul Adha nanti, sebuah pembelajaran yang cukup baik bagi anak-anak sejak dini tentang pengorbanan NabiAllah Ibrahim & Nabi Ismail. Aku masuk dalam kerumunan orang-orang yang sedang bertransaksi memilih hewan yang akan di sembelih saat Qurban nanti.
Mataku tertuju pada seekor kambing coklat bertanduk panjang, ukuran badannya besar melebihi kambing-kambing di sekitarnya. " Berapa harga kambing yang itu pak?" ujarku menunjuk kambing coklat tersebut. " Yang coklat itu yang terbesar pak. Kambing Mega Super duajuta rupiah tidak kurang" kata si pedagang berpromosi matanya berkeliling sambil tetap melayani calon pembeli lainnya. " Tidak bisa turun pak?" kataku mencoba bernegosiasi. " Tidak kurang tidak lebih,sekarang harga-harga serba mahal" si pedagang bertahan. " Satu juta lima ratus ribu ya?" aku melakukan penawaran pertama "Maaf pak, masih jauh. " ujarnya cuek.
Aku menimbang-nimbang, apakah akan terus melakukan penawaran terendah berharap si pedagang berubah pendirian dengan menurunkan harganya. " Oke pak bagaimana kalau satu juta tujuh ratus lima puluh ribu?" kataku " Masih belum nutup pak " ujarnya tetap cuek
" Yang sedang mahal kan harga minyak pak. Kenapa kambing ikut naik?" ujarku berdalih mencoba melakukan penawaran termurah. " Yah bapak,meskipun kambing gak minum minyak. Tapi dia gak bisa datang ke sini sendiri. Tetap saja harus di angkut mobil pak, dan mobil bahan bakarnya bukan rumput, " kata si pedagang meledek. Dalam hati aku berkata, a lot juga pedagang satu ini. Tidak menawarkan harga selain yang sudah dikemukakannya di awal tadi. Pandangan aku alihkan ke kambing lainnya yang lebih kecil dari si coklat. Lumayan bila ada perbedaan harga lima ratus ribu. Kebetulan dari tempat penjual kambing ini, aku berencana ke toko ban mobil. Mengganti ban belakang yang sudah mulai terlihat halus tusirannya. Kelebihan tersebut bisa untuk menambah budget ban yang harganya kini selangit.
"Kalau yang belang hitam putih itu berapa bang?" kataku kemudian " Nah yang itu Super biasa. Satu juta tujuh ratus lima puluh ribu rupiah" katanya.
Belum sempat aku menawar, disebelahku berdiri seorang kakek menanyakan harga kambing coklat Mega Super tadi. Meskipun pakaian "korpri" yang ia kenakan lusuh, tetapi wajahnya masih terlihat segar. " Gagah banget kambing itu. Berapa harganya mas?" katanya kagum. " Dua juta tidak kurang tidak lebih Kek. " kata si pedagang setengah malas menjawab setelah melihat penampilan sikakek. " Weleh larang men regane (mahal benar harganya)?" kata si kakek dalam bahasa Purwokertoan " bisa di tawar-kan ya mas?" lanjutnya mencoba negosiasi juga. " Cari kambing yang lain aja kek. " sipedagang terlihat semakin malas meladeni.
" Ora usah (tidak) mas. Aku arep sing apik lan gagah Qurban taun iki (Aku mau yang terbaik dan gagah untuk Qurban tahun ini) Duit-e (uangnya) cukup kanggo (untuk) mbayar koq mas. " katanya tetap bersemangat seraya mengeluarkan bungkusan dari saku celananya.
Bungkusan dari kain perca yang juga sudah lusuh itu dibukanya, enam belas lembar uang seratus ribuan dan sembilan lembar uang lima puluh ribuan dikeluarkan dari dalamnya. " Iki (ini) dua jutarupiah mas. Weduse (kambingnya) dianter ke rumah ya mas?" lanjutnya mantap tetapi tetap bersahaja.
Si pedagang kambing kaget, tidak terkecuali aku yang memperhatikannya sejak tadi. Dengan wajah masih ragu tidak percaya si pedagang menerima uang yang disodorkan si kakek,kemudian di hitungnya perlahan lembar demi lembar uang itu.
" Kek, ini ada lebih lima puluh ribu rupiah" si pedagang mengeluarkan selembar lima puluh ribuan " Ora ono ongkos kirime tho...?" (Enggak ada ongkos kirimnya ya?) si kakek seakan tahu uang yang diberikannya berlebih "
Dua juta sudah termasuk ongkos kirim" si pedagang yang cukup jujur memberikan lima puluh ribu ke kakek " mau di antar ke mana mbah?"(tiba- tiba panggilan kakek berubah menjadi mbah) " Alhamdulillah, lewih (lebih) lima puluh ribu iso di tabung neh (bisa ditabung lagi)"kata si kakek sambil menerimanya " tulung anterke’ ning deso cedak kono yo (tolong antar ke desa dekat situ ya), sak sampene ning mburine (sesampainya di belakang) Masjid Baiturrohman, takon ae umahe (tanya saja rumahnya) mbah Sutrimo pensiunan pegawe Pemda Pasir Mukti, InsyaAllah bocah-bocah podo ngerti (InsyaAllah anak-anak sudah tahu). "
Setelah selesai bertransaksi dan membayar apa yang telah di sepakatinya, si kakek berjalan ke arah sebuah sepeda tua yang di sandarkan pada sebatang pohon pisang, tidak jauh dari X-Trail milikku.
Perlahan diangkat dari sandaran, kemudian dengan sigap di kayuhnya tetap dengan semangat. Entah perasaan apa lagi yang dapat kurasakan saat itu,semuanya berbalik ke arah berlawanan dalam pandanganku.
Kakek tua pensiunan pegawai Pemda yang hanya berkendara sepeda engkol, sanggup membeli hewan Qurban yang terbaik untuk dirinya. Aku tidak tahu persis berapa uang pensiunan PNS yang diterima setiap bulan oleh si kakek.
Yang aku tahu, di sekitar masjid Baiturrohman tidak ada rumah yang berdiri dengan mewah, rata-rata penduduk sekitar desa Pasir Mukti hanya petani dan para pensiunan pegawai rendahan. Yang pasti secara materi, sangatlah jauh di banding penghasilanku sebagai Manajer perusahaan swasta asing.
Yang sanggup membeli rumah di kawasan cukup bergengsi .
Yang sanggupmembeli kendaraan roda empat yang harga ban-nya saja cukup membeli seekor kambing Mega Super.
Yang sanggup mempunyai hobby berkendaraan moge (motor gede) dan memilikinya .
Yang sanggup mengkoleksi raket hanya untuk olah-raga seminggu sekali.
Yang sanggup juga membeli hewan Qurban dua ekor sapi sekaligus.
Tapi apa yang aku pikirkan? Aku hanya hendak membeli hewan Qurban yang jauh di bawah kemampuanku yang harganya tidak lebih dari service rutin mobil X-Trail, kendaraanku di dunia fana.
Sementara untuk kendaraanku di akhirat kelak, aku berpikir seribu kali saat membelinya.
Ya Allah, Engkau yang Maha Membolak-balikan hati manusia, balikkan hati hambaMu yang tak pernah berSyukur ini ke arah orang yang pandai menSyukuri nikmatMu .
Dapat dari milis sebelah...semoga bermnfaat...
Kuhentikan mobil tepat di ujung kandang tempat berjualan hewan Qurban. Saat pintu mobil kubuka, bau tak sedap memenuhi rongga hidungku, dengan spontan aku menutupnya dengan saputangan. Suasana di tempat itu sangat ramai, dari para penjual yang hanya bersarung hingga ibu-ibu berkerudung Majelis Taklim, tidak terkecuali anak-anak yang ikut menemani orang tuanya melihat hewan yang akan di-Qurban-kan pada Idul Adha nanti, sebuah pembelajaran yang cukup baik bagi anak-anak sejak dini tentang pengorbanan NabiAllah Ibrahim & Nabi Ismail. Aku masuk dalam kerumunan orang-orang yang sedang bertransaksi memilih hewan yang akan di sembelih saat Qurban nanti.
Mataku tertuju pada seekor kambing coklat bertanduk panjang, ukuran badannya besar melebihi kambing-kambing di sekitarnya. " Berapa harga kambing yang itu pak?" ujarku menunjuk kambing coklat tersebut. " Yang coklat itu yang terbesar pak. Kambing Mega Super duajuta rupiah tidak kurang" kata si pedagang berpromosi matanya berkeliling sambil tetap melayani calon pembeli lainnya. " Tidak bisa turun pak?" kataku mencoba bernegosiasi. " Tidak kurang tidak lebih,sekarang harga-harga serba mahal" si pedagang bertahan. " Satu juta lima ratus ribu ya?" aku melakukan penawaran pertama "Maaf pak, masih jauh. " ujarnya cuek.
Aku menimbang-nimbang, apakah akan terus melakukan penawaran terendah berharap si pedagang berubah pendirian dengan menurunkan harganya. " Oke pak bagaimana kalau satu juta tujuh ratus lima puluh ribu?" kataku " Masih belum nutup pak " ujarnya tetap cuek
" Yang sedang mahal kan harga minyak pak. Kenapa kambing ikut naik?" ujarku berdalih mencoba melakukan penawaran termurah. " Yah bapak,meskipun kambing gak minum minyak. Tapi dia gak bisa datang ke sini sendiri. Tetap saja harus di angkut mobil pak, dan mobil bahan bakarnya bukan rumput, " kata si pedagang meledek. Dalam hati aku berkata, a lot juga pedagang satu ini. Tidak menawarkan harga selain yang sudah dikemukakannya di awal tadi. Pandangan aku alihkan ke kambing lainnya yang lebih kecil dari si coklat. Lumayan bila ada perbedaan harga lima ratus ribu. Kebetulan dari tempat penjual kambing ini, aku berencana ke toko ban mobil. Mengganti ban belakang yang sudah mulai terlihat halus tusirannya. Kelebihan tersebut bisa untuk menambah budget ban yang harganya kini selangit.
"Kalau yang belang hitam putih itu berapa bang?" kataku kemudian " Nah yang itu Super biasa. Satu juta tujuh ratus lima puluh ribu rupiah" katanya.
Belum sempat aku menawar, disebelahku berdiri seorang kakek menanyakan harga kambing coklat Mega Super tadi. Meskipun pakaian "korpri" yang ia kenakan lusuh, tetapi wajahnya masih terlihat segar. " Gagah banget kambing itu. Berapa harganya mas?" katanya kagum. " Dua juta tidak kurang tidak lebih Kek. " kata si pedagang setengah malas menjawab setelah melihat penampilan sikakek. " Weleh larang men regane (mahal benar harganya)?" kata si kakek dalam bahasa Purwokertoan " bisa di tawar-kan ya mas?" lanjutnya mencoba negosiasi juga. " Cari kambing yang lain aja kek. " sipedagang terlihat semakin malas meladeni.
" Ora usah (tidak) mas. Aku arep sing apik lan gagah Qurban taun iki (Aku mau yang terbaik dan gagah untuk Qurban tahun ini) Duit-e (uangnya) cukup kanggo (untuk) mbayar koq mas. " katanya tetap bersemangat seraya mengeluarkan bungkusan dari saku celananya.
Bungkusan dari kain perca yang juga sudah lusuh itu dibukanya, enam belas lembar uang seratus ribuan dan sembilan lembar uang lima puluh ribuan dikeluarkan dari dalamnya. " Iki (ini) dua jutarupiah mas. Weduse (kambingnya) dianter ke rumah ya mas?" lanjutnya mantap tetapi tetap bersahaja.
Si pedagang kambing kaget, tidak terkecuali aku yang memperhatikannya sejak tadi. Dengan wajah masih ragu tidak percaya si pedagang menerima uang yang disodorkan si kakek,kemudian di hitungnya perlahan lembar demi lembar uang itu.
" Kek, ini ada lebih lima puluh ribu rupiah" si pedagang mengeluarkan selembar lima puluh ribuan " Ora ono ongkos kirime tho...?" (Enggak ada ongkos kirimnya ya?) si kakek seakan tahu uang yang diberikannya berlebih "
Dua juta sudah termasuk ongkos kirim" si pedagang yang cukup jujur memberikan lima puluh ribu ke kakek " mau di antar ke mana mbah?"(tiba- tiba panggilan kakek berubah menjadi mbah) " Alhamdulillah, lewih (lebih) lima puluh ribu iso di tabung neh (bisa ditabung lagi)"kata si kakek sambil menerimanya " tulung anterke’ ning deso cedak kono yo (tolong antar ke desa dekat situ ya), sak sampene ning mburine (sesampainya di belakang) Masjid Baiturrohman, takon ae umahe (tanya saja rumahnya) mbah Sutrimo pensiunan pegawe Pemda Pasir Mukti, InsyaAllah bocah-bocah podo ngerti (InsyaAllah anak-anak sudah tahu). "
Setelah selesai bertransaksi dan membayar apa yang telah di sepakatinya, si kakek berjalan ke arah sebuah sepeda tua yang di sandarkan pada sebatang pohon pisang, tidak jauh dari X-Trail milikku.
Perlahan diangkat dari sandaran, kemudian dengan sigap di kayuhnya tetap dengan semangat. Entah perasaan apa lagi yang dapat kurasakan saat itu,semuanya berbalik ke arah berlawanan dalam pandanganku.
Kakek tua pensiunan pegawai Pemda yang hanya berkendara sepeda engkol, sanggup membeli hewan Qurban yang terbaik untuk dirinya. Aku tidak tahu persis berapa uang pensiunan PNS yang diterima setiap bulan oleh si kakek.
Yang aku tahu, di sekitar masjid Baiturrohman tidak ada rumah yang berdiri dengan mewah, rata-rata penduduk sekitar desa Pasir Mukti hanya petani dan para pensiunan pegawai rendahan. Yang pasti secara materi, sangatlah jauh di banding penghasilanku sebagai Manajer perusahaan swasta asing.
Yang sanggup membeli rumah di kawasan cukup bergengsi .
Yang sanggupmembeli kendaraan roda empat yang harga ban-nya saja cukup membeli seekor kambing Mega Super.
Yang sanggup mempunyai hobby berkendaraan moge (motor gede) dan memilikinya .
Yang sanggup mengkoleksi raket hanya untuk olah-raga seminggu sekali.
Yang sanggup juga membeli hewan Qurban dua ekor sapi sekaligus.
Tapi apa yang aku pikirkan? Aku hanya hendak membeli hewan Qurban yang jauh di bawah kemampuanku yang harganya tidak lebih dari service rutin mobil X-Trail, kendaraanku di dunia fana.
Sementara untuk kendaraanku di akhirat kelak, aku berpikir seribu kali saat membelinya.
Ya Allah, Engkau yang Maha Membolak-balikan hati manusia, balikkan hati hambaMu yang tak pernah berSyukur ini ke arah orang yang pandai menSyukuri nikmatMu .
Senin, 23 November 2009
What is Thrush?
Cancer sores or aphthous ulcers, are painful lesions in the internal membranes of the mouth and cheeks that usually heal within 7 to 10 days.
Why should the thrush?
Not precisely known cause. They can be caused by injuries or cuts inside the mouth, infections, stress, certain foods, genetic predisposition and hormonal changes in women.
How can you prevent the occurrence of thrush?
Avoid injury to the lining of the mouth:
* Chew food slowly.
* Do not bite the inside of the lips and cheeks.
Do I need to see a doctor?
This is a common ailment that usually has no complications, however, see a doctor:
* If canker sores occur after taking medications.
* If canker sores do not disappear after 14 days.
* If a canker sore is very painful or recurring.
Is there any home treatment for canker sores?
As this is a very common condition, almost everyone has a remedy for canker sores or advice, you can try one of the following:
* Rinse your mouth with a spoon and hydrogen peroxide (hydrogen peroxide) in 1 cup (8oz.) of water.
* Apply a paste of baking soda and water over the injury.
* There are also several medications that can be purchased at the pharmacy to reduce pain and speed healing.
Why should the thrush?
Not precisely known cause. They can be caused by injuries or cuts inside the mouth, infections, stress, certain foods, genetic predisposition and hormonal changes in women.
How can you prevent the occurrence of thrush?
Avoid injury to the lining of the mouth:
* Chew food slowly.
* Do not bite the inside of the lips and cheeks.
Do I need to see a doctor?
This is a common ailment that usually has no complications, however, see a doctor:
* If canker sores occur after taking medications.
* If canker sores do not disappear after 14 days.
* If a canker sore is very painful or recurring.
Is there any home treatment for canker sores?
As this is a very common condition, almost everyone has a remedy for canker sores or advice, you can try one of the following:
* Rinse your mouth with a spoon and hydrogen peroxide (hydrogen peroxide) in 1 cup (8oz.) of water.
* Apply a paste of baking soda and water over the injury.
* There are also several medications that can be purchased at the pharmacy to reduce pain and speed healing.
Hipotensi dan Solusinya
Hipotensi dan Solusinya
Pertanyaan dari Saudari Lulu:
lulu: ass.saya wanita karir usisa 22 th.kesibukan kuliah dan kerja membuat saya lupa istirahat. yang sering terjadi jika saya kecapean adalah pusing. dulu pernah sampai pingsan karena saya hipotensi.solusix
Hipotensi (tekanan darah rendah) adalah suatu keadaan dimana tekanan darah lebih rendah normal yaitu 90/60 mmHg, dimana nilai normal kita adalah 120/80 pada umumnya yang dipengaruhi aktivitas kita sehari-hari.
Gejala Tekanan Darah Rendah
Seringkali kita bagi penderita hipotensi dirasakan pusing, merasa cepat lelah, lesu, lemah,bahkan mengalami pingsan, sering menguap, keringat dingin, penglihatan kabur dsb.
Pengobatan Darah Rendah
1. Berolah raga teratur tiap hari minimal 30 menit
2. Mengkonsumsi makanan dan minuman yang cukup dan bisa menaikkan tekanan darah antara lain kopi.
3. Tidur dengan kepala disanggah bantal dalam keadaan terangkat agar tidak terjadi hipotensi orthostatik
4. Mengkonsumsi obat-obatan penambah darah
Bila Keluhan belum berkurang ada baiknya menghubungi dokter terdekat..
Pertanyaan dari Saudari Lulu:
lulu: ass.saya wanita karir usisa 22 th.kesibukan kuliah dan kerja membuat saya lupa istirahat. yang sering terjadi jika saya kecapean adalah pusing. dulu pernah sampai pingsan karena saya hipotensi.solusix
Hipotensi (tekanan darah rendah) adalah suatu keadaan dimana tekanan darah lebih rendah normal yaitu 90/60 mmHg, dimana nilai normal kita adalah 120/80 pada umumnya yang dipengaruhi aktivitas kita sehari-hari.
Gejala Tekanan Darah Rendah
Seringkali kita bagi penderita hipotensi dirasakan pusing, merasa cepat lelah, lesu, lemah,bahkan mengalami pingsan, sering menguap, keringat dingin, penglihatan kabur dsb.
Pengobatan Darah Rendah
1. Berolah raga teratur tiap hari minimal 30 menit
2. Mengkonsumsi makanan dan minuman yang cukup dan bisa menaikkan tekanan darah antara lain kopi.
3. Tidur dengan kepala disanggah bantal dalam keadaan terangkat agar tidak terjadi hipotensi orthostatik
4. Mengkonsumsi obat-obatan penambah darah
Bila Keluhan belum berkurang ada baiknya menghubungi dokter terdekat..
Minggu, 22 November 2009
Di Balik Fenomena Facebook
Di Balik Fenomena Facebook
Ketika perpecahan keluarga menjadi tontonan yang ditunggu dalam sebuah
episode infotainment setiap hari.
Ketika aib seseorang ditunggu-tunggu ribuan mata bahkan jutaan dalam
berita-berita media massa.
Ketika seorang celebritis dengan bangga menjadikan kehamilannya di
luar pernikahan yang sah sebagai ajang sensasei yang ditunggu-tunggu
...'siapa calon bapak si jabang bayi?'
Ada khabar yang lebih menghebohkan, lagi-lagi seorang celebrities yang
belum resmi berpisah dengan suaminya, tanpa rasa malu berlibur,
berjalan bersama pria lain, dan dengan mudahnya mengolok-olok
Wuiih......mungkin kita bisa berkata ya wajarlah artis, kehidupannya ya
seperti itu, penuh sensasi.Kalau perlu dari mulai bangun tidur sampai
tidur lagi, aktivitasnya diberitakan dan dinikmati oleh publik.
Wuiiih......ternyata sekarang bukan hanya artis yang bisa seperti
sadar atau tidak, ribuan orang sekarang sedang menikmati aktivitasnya
apapun diketahui orang, dikomentarin orang bahkan mohon maaf
....'dilecehkan' orang, dan herannya perasaan yang didapat adalah
Fenomena itu bernama facebook, setiap saat para facebooker meng update
statusnya agar bisa dinikmati dan dikomentarin lainnya. Lupa atau
sengaja hal-hal yang semestinya menjadi konsumsi internal keluarga,
menjadi kebanggaan di statusnya. Lihat saja beberapa status facebook :
Seorang wanita menuliskan "Hujan-hujan malam-malam sendirian,
enaknya ngapain ya.....?"--kemudian puluhan komen bermunculan dari
lelaki dan perempuan, bahkan seorang lelaki temannya menuliskan "mau
ditemanin? Dijamin puas deh..."
Seorang wanita lainnya menuliskan " Bangun tidur, badan sakit
semua, biasa....habis malam jumat ya begini...:" kemudian komen2 nakal
Ada yang menulis
" bete nih di rumah terus, mana misua jauh lagi....",
--kemudian komen2 pelecehan bermunculan.
Ada pula yang komen di wall temannya
" eeeh ini si anu ya ...., yang dulu dekat dengan si itu khan? Aduuh
dicariin tuh sama si itu...." --lupa klu si anu sudah punya suami dan
anak-anak yang manis.
Yang laki-laki tidak kalah hebat menulis statusnya
"habis minum jamu nih...., ada yang mau menerima tantangan ?'
--langsung berpuluh2 komen datang.
Ada yang hanya menuliskan, "lagi bokek, kagak punya duit..."
Ada juga yang nulis "mau tidur nih, panas banget...bakal tidur pake
dalaman lagi nih" .
Dan ribuan status-status yang numpang beken dan pengin ada komen-komen
dari lainnya.
Dan itu sadar atau tidak sadar dinikmati oleh indera kita, mata kita,
telinga kita, bahkan pikiran kita.
Ada yang lebih kejam dari sekedar status facebook, dan herannya seakan
hilang rasa empati dan sensitifitas dari tiap diri terhadap hal-hal
yang semestinya di tutup dan tidak perlu di tampilkan.
Seorang wanita dengan nada guyon mengomentarin foto yang baru sj
di upload di albumnya, foto-foto saat SMA dulu setelah berolah raga
memakai kaos dan celana pendek.....padahal sebagian besar yg didalam
foto tersebut sudah berjilbab
Ada seorang karyawati mengupload foto temannya yang sekarang sudah
berubah dari kehidupan jahiliyah menjadi kehidupan islami, foto saat
dulu jahiliyah bersama teman2 prianya bergandengan dengan ceria....
Ada pula seorang pria meng upload foto seorang wanita mantan
kekasihnya dulu yang sedang dalam kondisi sangat seronok padahal kini
sang wanita telah berkeluarga dan hidup dengan tenang.
Rasanya hilang apa yang diajarkan seseorang yang sangat dicintai
Allah...., yaitu Muhammad Shallallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam, Rasulullah
kepada umatnya. Seseorang yang sangat menjaga kemuliaan dirinya dan
keluarganya. Ingatkah ketika Rasulullah bertanya pada Aisyah
Radiyallahu Anha
" Wahai Aisyah apa yang dapat saya makan pagi ini?" maka Istri
tercinta, sang humairah, sang pipi merah Aisyah menjawab " Rasul,
kekasih hatiku, sesungguhnya tidak ada yang dapat kita makan pagi
ini". Rasul dengan senyum teduhnya berkata "Baiklah Aisyah, aku
berpuasa hari ini". Tidak perlu orang tahu bahwa tidak ada makanan di
rumah Rasulullah....
Ingatlah Abdurahman bin Auf Radiyallahu Anhu mengikuti Rasulullah
berhijrah dari mekah ke madinah, ketika saudaranya menawarkannya
sebagian hartanya, dan sebagian rumahnya, maka Abdurahman bin Auf
mengatakan, tunjukan saja saya pasar. Kekurangannya tidak membuat
beliau kehilangan kemuliaan hidupnya. Bahwasanya kehormatan menjadi
salah satu indikator keimanan seseorang, sebagaimana Rasulullah,
"Malu itu sebahagian dari iman". (Bukhari dan Muslim).
Dan fenomena di atas menjadi Tanda Besar buat kita umat Islam,
hegemoni 'kesenangan semu' dan dibungkus dengan 'persahabatan
fatamorgana' ditampilkan dengan mudahnya celoteh dan status dalam
facebook yang melindas semua tata krama tentang Malu, tentang menjaga
Kehormatan Diri dan keluarga.
Dan Rasulullah Shallallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam menegaskan dengan sindiran
keras kepada kita
"Apabila kamu tidak malu maka perbuatlah apa yang kamu mau."
Arogansi kesenangan semakin menjadi-jadi dengan tanpa merasa bersalah
mengungkit kembali aib-aib masa lalu melalui foto-foto yang tidak
bermartabat yang semestinya dibuang saja atau disimpan rapat.
Bagi mereka para wanita yang menemukan jati dirinya, dibukakan
cahayanya oleh Allah sehingga saat di masa lalu jauh dari Allah
kemudian ter inqilabiyah - tershibghoh, tercelup dan terwarnai cahaya
ilahiyah, hatinya teriris melihat masa lalunya dibuka dengan penuh
senyuman, oleh orang yang mengaku sebagai teman, sebagai sahabat.
Maka jagalah kehormatan diri, jangan tampakkan lagi aib-aib masa lalu,
mudah-mudahan Allah menjaga aib-aib kita.
Maka jagalah kehormatan diri kita, simpan rapat keluh kesah kita,
simpan rapat aib-aib diri, jangan bebaskan 'kesenangan', 'gurauan'
membuat Iffah kita luntur tak berbekas.
***"Iffah (bisa berarti martabat/kehormatan) adalah bahasa yang lebih
akrab untuk menyatakan upaya penjagaan diri ini. Iffah sendiri
memiliki makna usaha memelihara dan menjauhkan diri dari hal-hal yang
tidak halal, makruh dan tercela."
Ketika perpecahan keluarga menjadi tontonan yang ditunggu dalam sebuah
episode infotainment setiap hari.
Ketika aib seseorang ditunggu-tunggu ribuan mata bahkan jutaan dalam
berita-berita media massa.
Ketika seorang celebritis dengan bangga menjadikan kehamilannya di
luar pernikahan yang sah sebagai ajang sensasei yang ditunggu-tunggu
...'siapa calon bapak si jabang bayi?'
Ada khabar yang lebih menghebohkan, lagi-lagi seorang celebrities yang
belum resmi berpisah dengan suaminya, tanpa rasa malu berlibur,
berjalan bersama pria lain, dan dengan mudahnya mengolok-olok
Wuiih......mungkin kita bisa berkata ya wajarlah artis, kehidupannya ya
seperti itu, penuh sensasi.Kalau perlu dari mulai bangun tidur sampai
tidur lagi, aktivitasnya diberitakan dan dinikmati oleh publik.
Wuiiih......ternyata sekarang bukan hanya artis yang bisa seperti
sadar atau tidak, ribuan orang sekarang sedang menikmati aktivitasnya
apapun diketahui orang, dikomentarin orang bahkan mohon maaf
....'dilecehkan' orang, dan herannya perasaan yang didapat adalah
Fenomena itu bernama facebook, setiap saat para facebooker meng update
statusnya agar bisa dinikmati dan dikomentarin lainnya. Lupa atau
sengaja hal-hal yang semestinya menjadi konsumsi internal keluarga,
menjadi kebanggaan di statusnya. Lihat saja beberapa status facebook :
Seorang wanita menuliskan "Hujan-hujan malam-malam sendirian,
enaknya ngapain ya.....?"--kemudian puluhan komen bermunculan dari
lelaki dan perempuan, bahkan seorang lelaki temannya menuliskan "mau
ditemanin? Dijamin puas deh..."
Seorang wanita lainnya menuliskan " Bangun tidur, badan sakit
semua, biasa....habis malam jumat ya begini...:" kemudian komen2 nakal
Ada yang menulis
" bete nih di rumah terus, mana misua jauh lagi....",
--kemudian komen2 pelecehan bermunculan.
Ada pula yang komen di wall temannya
" eeeh ini si anu ya ...., yang dulu dekat dengan si itu khan? Aduuh
dicariin tuh sama si itu...." --lupa klu si anu sudah punya suami dan
anak-anak yang manis.
Yang laki-laki tidak kalah hebat menulis statusnya
"habis minum jamu nih...., ada yang mau menerima tantangan ?'
--langsung berpuluh2 komen datang.
Ada yang hanya menuliskan, "lagi bokek, kagak punya duit..."
Ada juga yang nulis "mau tidur nih, panas banget...bakal tidur pake
dalaman lagi nih" .
Dan ribuan status-status yang numpang beken dan pengin ada komen-komen
dari lainnya.
Dan itu sadar atau tidak sadar dinikmati oleh indera kita, mata kita,
telinga kita, bahkan pikiran kita.
Ada yang lebih kejam dari sekedar status facebook, dan herannya seakan
hilang rasa empati dan sensitifitas dari tiap diri terhadap hal-hal
yang semestinya di tutup dan tidak perlu di tampilkan.
Seorang wanita dengan nada guyon mengomentarin foto yang baru sj
di upload di albumnya, foto-foto saat SMA dulu setelah berolah raga
memakai kaos dan celana pendek.....padahal sebagian besar yg didalam
foto tersebut sudah berjilbab
Ada seorang karyawati mengupload foto temannya yang sekarang sudah
berubah dari kehidupan jahiliyah menjadi kehidupan islami, foto saat
dulu jahiliyah bersama teman2 prianya bergandengan dengan ceria....
Ada pula seorang pria meng upload foto seorang wanita mantan
kekasihnya dulu yang sedang dalam kondisi sangat seronok padahal kini
sang wanita telah berkeluarga dan hidup dengan tenang.
Rasanya hilang apa yang diajarkan seseorang yang sangat dicintai
Allah...., yaitu Muhammad Shallallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam, Rasulullah
kepada umatnya. Seseorang yang sangat menjaga kemuliaan dirinya dan
keluarganya. Ingatkah ketika Rasulullah bertanya pada Aisyah
Radiyallahu Anha
" Wahai Aisyah apa yang dapat saya makan pagi ini?" maka Istri
tercinta, sang humairah, sang pipi merah Aisyah menjawab " Rasul,
kekasih hatiku, sesungguhnya tidak ada yang dapat kita makan pagi
ini". Rasul dengan senyum teduhnya berkata "Baiklah Aisyah, aku
berpuasa hari ini". Tidak perlu orang tahu bahwa tidak ada makanan di
rumah Rasulullah....
Ingatlah Abdurahman bin Auf Radiyallahu Anhu mengikuti Rasulullah
berhijrah dari mekah ke madinah, ketika saudaranya menawarkannya
sebagian hartanya, dan sebagian rumahnya, maka Abdurahman bin Auf
mengatakan, tunjukan saja saya pasar. Kekurangannya tidak membuat
beliau kehilangan kemuliaan hidupnya. Bahwasanya kehormatan menjadi
salah satu indikator keimanan seseorang, sebagaimana Rasulullah,
"Malu itu sebahagian dari iman". (Bukhari dan Muslim).
Dan fenomena di atas menjadi Tanda Besar buat kita umat Islam,
hegemoni 'kesenangan semu' dan dibungkus dengan 'persahabatan
fatamorgana' ditampilkan dengan mudahnya celoteh dan status dalam
facebook yang melindas semua tata krama tentang Malu, tentang menjaga
Kehormatan Diri dan keluarga.
Dan Rasulullah Shallallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam menegaskan dengan sindiran
keras kepada kita
"Apabila kamu tidak malu maka perbuatlah apa yang kamu mau."
Arogansi kesenangan semakin menjadi-jadi dengan tanpa merasa bersalah
mengungkit kembali aib-aib masa lalu melalui foto-foto yang tidak
bermartabat yang semestinya dibuang saja atau disimpan rapat.
Bagi mereka para wanita yang menemukan jati dirinya, dibukakan
cahayanya oleh Allah sehingga saat di masa lalu jauh dari Allah
kemudian ter inqilabiyah - tershibghoh, tercelup dan terwarnai cahaya
ilahiyah, hatinya teriris melihat masa lalunya dibuka dengan penuh
senyuman, oleh orang yang mengaku sebagai teman, sebagai sahabat.
Maka jagalah kehormatan diri, jangan tampakkan lagi aib-aib masa lalu,
mudah-mudahan Allah menjaga aib-aib kita.
Maka jagalah kehormatan diri kita, simpan rapat keluh kesah kita,
simpan rapat aib-aib diri, jangan bebaskan 'kesenangan', 'gurauan'
membuat Iffah kita luntur tak berbekas.
***"Iffah (bisa berarti martabat/kehormatan) adalah bahasa yang lebih
akrab untuk menyatakan upaya penjagaan diri ini. Iffah sendiri
memiliki makna usaha memelihara dan menjauhkan diri dari hal-hal yang
tidak halal, makruh dan tercela."
Cervical Cap ( = Kontrasepsi Diafragma )
Cervical cap merupakan kontrasepsi wanita, terbuat dari bahan latex, yang dimasukkan ke dalam liang kemaluan dan menutupi leher rahim (serviks). Efek sedotan menyebabkan cap tetap nempel di leher rahim. Cervical cap berfungsi sebagai barier (penghalang) agar sperma tidak masuk ke dalam rahim sehingga tidak terjadi kehamilan. Setelah berhubungan (ML) cap tidak boleh dibuka minimal selama 8 jam. Agar efektif, cap biasanya di campur pemakaiannya dengan jeli spermisidal (pembunuh sperma). Efektifitasnya berkisar 70-90%.
Efektifitas tegantung pada pas atau tidaknya ukuran cap. Untuk itu diperlukan fitting (ngepas) cap. Cap bisa dipasang selama 48 jam. Dipasang saat akan ML. Tidak dianjurkan pemakaiannya saat haid.Saat pemasangan cap diisi 1/3 bagian dengan spermisidal. Jangan terlalu berlebihan, karena akan menyebabkan cap terlepas dari serviks. Hati2 jika melakukan o**l seks, bersihkan sisa spermisida di sekitar vagina, karena rasanya sangat tidak enak he he he pis...
Cari posisi yang nyaman saat memasukkan cap ke dalam vagina. Berdiri dengan satu kaki diatas kursi, berdiri mengangkang atau berbaring dengan lutut ditekukkan. Satu tangan membeberkan bibir vagina, sementara tangan yang satunya memasukkan cap. Gunakan jari untuk mendorong cap sampai ke leher rahim. Ceksekeliling cap apakah sudah masuk dengan benar ke serviks. Test efek sedotan dengan mendorong dan menarik cap.
Setelah ML, tunggu sampai 8 jam sebelum membuka cap. Pergunakan jari untuk melepaskan efek mengisap daro cap. Jika cap sulit dijangkau, coba posisi jongkok dan meneran. Jika cap lepas saat ML, maka pergunakan kontrasepsi darurat (kondar).
Efek samping
Sebagian kecil wanita akan mengalami reaksi alergi akan bahan latex atau spermisidalnya.
Efektifitas tegantung pada pas atau tidaknya ukuran cap. Untuk itu diperlukan fitting (ngepas) cap. Cap bisa dipasang selama 48 jam. Dipasang saat akan ML. Tidak dianjurkan pemakaiannya saat haid.Saat pemasangan cap diisi 1/3 bagian dengan spermisidal. Jangan terlalu berlebihan, karena akan menyebabkan cap terlepas dari serviks. Hati2 jika melakukan o**l seks, bersihkan sisa spermisida di sekitar vagina, karena rasanya sangat tidak enak he he he pis...
Cari posisi yang nyaman saat memasukkan cap ke dalam vagina. Berdiri dengan satu kaki diatas kursi, berdiri mengangkang atau berbaring dengan lutut ditekukkan. Satu tangan membeberkan bibir vagina, sementara tangan yang satunya memasukkan cap. Gunakan jari untuk mendorong cap sampai ke leher rahim. Ceksekeliling cap apakah sudah masuk dengan benar ke serviks. Test efek sedotan dengan mendorong dan menarik cap.
Setelah ML, tunggu sampai 8 jam sebelum membuka cap. Pergunakan jari untuk melepaskan efek mengisap daro cap. Jika cap sulit dijangkau, coba posisi jongkok dan meneran. Jika cap lepas saat ML, maka pergunakan kontrasepsi darurat (kondar).
Efek samping
Sebagian kecil wanita akan mengalami reaksi alergi akan bahan latex atau spermisidalnya.
- Bisa dipakai jauh sebelum ML.
- Mudah dibawa dan nyaman.
- Tidak mempengaruhi siklus haid.
- Tidak mempengaruhi kesuburan.
- Tidak melindungi dari HIV/AIDS.
- Butuh fitting sebelumnya.
- Ada wanita yang gak bisa muat (fitted).
- Kadang pemakaian dan membukanya agak sulit.
- Bisa copot saal ML.
- Kemungkinan reaksi alergi
Jumat, 20 November 2009
Defense of the use of amalgam
In the forums about dentistry, and most frequent subject matters largely to the dental community is regarding whether or not to use amalgam.
From this page we discussed this with two related news. One was based on a complaint which was published on the website of the Patient Advocate on possible amalgam toxicity, and another article summarizing the state of opinion of the dental community on this issue, emphasizing the advocates of amalgamation and defenders of their substitutes, such as "composites".
The silver amalgam as a dental restorative is a clear decline in rider ship at the expense of materials with more aesthetic qualities. The amalgamation, from the beginning, has been a very controversial material because it contains mercury.
Researchers at the University of Calgary in Canada found that chewing releases small amounts of mercury vapor from amalgam restorations of silver and mercury levels in blood, urine and brain were related to the number of amalgam restorations silver.
Studies have shown a series of data:
* That exposure to mercury from amalgams is less than the exposure of mercury from food, water, air, medicines, cosmetics ...
* That the vapor rising from the amalgam can be from 1 to 3 micrograms of steam per day, according to OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration).
* In many individuals with amalgam restorations are about 4 micrograms / gram of creatinine in urine. The problems begin when the ratio is from 25 micrograms per gram.
* There may be sensitivity or allergy to mercury due to mercury vapor loss
* It is estimated that the chance that side effects can occur from the use of amalgam is a patient for every 2,300
* No risks were found in pregnant dental professionals.
It is said that these small amounts of mercury can result from migraines to multiple sclerosis. To address this issue should follow the standards published by the ADA (American Dental Association), which warns that the greatest risk may occur when removing old amalgam, which must take place under complete isolation of the operative field. The maximum dose in the dental office is 300-500 micrograms/m3 air.
But there are experiences with a scientific rigor that can demonstrate a contribution of the dangers of amalgams. What looks like a positive response to the removal of amalgam may be a placebo effect or spontaneous improvement in the course of disease.
What we must bear in mind is that mercury is in the air, water and many other elements found in everyday life. That dentists have levels of 2 to 4 times higher than the rest and change their health is not affected and there is no evidence that pregnant women and children at risk low levels of mercury vapor from amalgams.
Institutions such as the A.D.A. or the Research Committee of the A.A.R.D. repeated every year that "there is no documented evidence to recommend the non-use of dental amalgam. Nevertheless, in some Nordic countries are restricting their use for environmental reasons.
Institution Food and Drug Administration issued reports in the same direction, "no valid scientific data proving causation of disorders or injuries caused by dental amalgam.
The truth is that amalgam is valued now for its longevity and its low propensity to failure, and ultimately there is no work that demonstrates the dangers of mercury amalgam.
Editorial: Dental Domain
Source: Professor Javier Garro. Lecturer in Dental Pathology and Therapeutics at the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry of Barcelona
From this page we discussed this with two related news. One was based on a complaint which was published on the website of the Patient Advocate on possible amalgam toxicity, and another article summarizing the state of opinion of the dental community on this issue, emphasizing the advocates of amalgamation and defenders of their substitutes, such as "composites".
The silver amalgam as a dental restorative is a clear decline in rider ship at the expense of materials with more aesthetic qualities. The amalgamation, from the beginning, has been a very controversial material because it contains mercury.
Researchers at the University of Calgary in Canada found that chewing releases small amounts of mercury vapor from amalgam restorations of silver and mercury levels in blood, urine and brain were related to the number of amalgam restorations silver.
Studies have shown a series of data:
* That exposure to mercury from amalgams is less than the exposure of mercury from food, water, air, medicines, cosmetics ...
* That the vapor rising from the amalgam can be from 1 to 3 micrograms of steam per day, according to OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration).
* In many individuals with amalgam restorations are about 4 micrograms / gram of creatinine in urine. The problems begin when the ratio is from 25 micrograms per gram.
* There may be sensitivity or allergy to mercury due to mercury vapor loss
* It is estimated that the chance that side effects can occur from the use of amalgam is a patient for every 2,300
* No risks were found in pregnant dental professionals.
It is said that these small amounts of mercury can result from migraines to multiple sclerosis. To address this issue should follow the standards published by the ADA (American Dental Association), which warns that the greatest risk may occur when removing old amalgam, which must take place under complete isolation of the operative field. The maximum dose in the dental office is 300-500 micrograms/m3 air.
But there are experiences with a scientific rigor that can demonstrate a contribution of the dangers of amalgams. What looks like a positive response to the removal of amalgam may be a placebo effect or spontaneous improvement in the course of disease.
What we must bear in mind is that mercury is in the air, water and many other elements found in everyday life. That dentists have levels of 2 to 4 times higher than the rest and change their health is not affected and there is no evidence that pregnant women and children at risk low levels of mercury vapor from amalgams.
Institutions such as the A.D.A. or the Research Committee of the A.A.R.D. repeated every year that "there is no documented evidence to recommend the non-use of dental amalgam. Nevertheless, in some Nordic countries are restricting their use for environmental reasons.
Institution Food and Drug Administration issued reports in the same direction, "no valid scientific data proving causation of disorders or injuries caused by dental amalgam.
The truth is that amalgam is valued now for its longevity and its low propensity to failure, and ultimately there is no work that demonstrates the dangers of mercury amalgam.
Editorial: Dental Domain
Source: Professor Javier Garro. Lecturer in Dental Pathology and Therapeutics at the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry of Barcelona
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